Maths Tutorials - Higher Level Leaving Certificate 2024/2025

Details for the upcoming academic year 2024/2025 will be posted in the coming weeks


History of the SAI Maths Tutorials Project

In 2013, the Society launched a series of Maths Tutorials covering the Higher Level Leaving Certificate Maths Programme.  An invitation was issued to a small selection of schools to participate in these tutorials.

Since then, the Society has extended this invitation to more schools in the Dublin area and also launched the initiative in Cork for a period. The pandemic moved our programmes online, extending our reach beyond Dublin. For 2022/23 and onwards, the project moved back to in-person events to allow for greater interaction between students and tutors. Materials will however continue to be published online for any student wishing to avail of them outside of Dublin.

Academic Year 2024-2025


This year we are again running the tutorials in conjunction with Trinity Access Programme and all tutorials will take place within the Trinity University Campus (Arts Block). You can find the location of the Arts Block in Trinity here and here we have a short video to show students where to find it. Signage will also be displayed each week guiding you to the tutorials along with Tutorial Staff.


Application forms are required to be submitted to attend these tutorials and schools applying this year must be designated as DEIS. Please contact if your school requires further details.

PLEASE NOTE: SAI Maths Tutorials are for 6th Level Students only.

Tutorial Schedule for Autumn - Spring 2024/2025: To Follow

All sessions will take place between 6.00pm and 8.00pm.


Materials: To Follow

Tutorial material covered in 2024/2025 will be available in PDF format below: Questions will be posted one week prior to the tutorial and all solutions will be published the day after the tutorial.


SAI Member Volunteering:

For any member wishing to volunteer as a Tutor Support, please contact the Society at

You will be required to fill out a Garda Vetting Form, available below with explanatory ID checklist. Once completed please email or post to the Society.

Date Attachment Size
12/09/2022 ID 100 point checklist for vetting 195.97 KB Download
26/09/2023 Garda Vetting Form 233.98 KB Download