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Event In-person: Actuaries as Directors - Leveraging the actuarial skill set CROsCross-PracticeINEDsLife HoAFsNon-Life HoAFs
Event In-person: CRO Circle CROs
Event Webinar: Preventive care and digital health – fad or forever? CROsHealthcareINEDsLife HoAFsNon-Life HoAFsStudents
Event Webinar: Life Reinsurance and Innovation Series - Part 2: The Disclosure Impact of Applying Behavioural Science to Underwriting CROsERMHoAFsLifeLife ReinsuranceStudents
Event Webinar: Life Reinsurance and Innovation Series - Part 1: The impact of climate change on mortality and morbidity CROsERMHoAFsLifeLife ReinsuranceStudents
Event Webinar: The Emperor's New Climate Scenarios – why commonly used climate scenarios are understating risk BankingCROsCross-PracticeEnterprise Risk ManagementHealthcareHoAFsINEDsLife AssuranceLife ReinsuranceNon-LifeNon-Life Reinsurance
Event Webinar: Protecting tomorrow: the future of the Irish insurance industry CROsINEDsLifeLife HoAFsLife ReinsuranceNon-LifeNon-Life HoAFsNon-Life ReinsuranceStudents
Event In-person: PCF role-holders CPD meeting: How to get into trouble without really trying CROsCross-PracticeHoAFs
Event Web session: CRO Circle meeting CROsEnterprise Risk Management
Event Webinar: Insurance Capital Standards (ICS) – Not another one?? CROsEnterprise Risk ManagementHoAFsLifeLife ReinsuranceNon-Life
Event Webinar: General Insurance Pricing Series 2022 Part 2: Differential Pricing CROsHoAFsINED'sNon-LifeScheme ActuariesStudents
Event Webinar: Life Re Forum Innovation Series (Part 1): Climate Change and Life Insurance – sorting the wheat from the chaff Climate ChangeCROsDemographyEnterprise Risk ManagementHealthcareHoAFsINED'sLife AssuranceLife ReinsuranceStudentsSustainabilityWider Fields
Event Webinar: Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulations (SFDR) – implications for investors CROsCross-PracticeFinance & InvestmentINEDsLife AssuranceLife HoAFsPensionsPRSAScheme ActuariesStudentsSustainabilityWider Fields