
Content type Date Sort ascending Title Tags
Event Webinar: IFRS 17 and Irish GAAP – recent disclosures, lessons learned and other updates HealthcareINED'sLifeLife HoAFsLife ReinsuranceNon-LifeNon-Life HoAFsNon-Life Reinsurance
Event Webinar: The Emperor's New Climate Scenarios – why commonly used climate scenarios are understating risk BankingCROsCross-PracticeEnterprise Risk ManagementHealthcareHoAFsINEDsLife AssuranceLife ReinsuranceNon-LifeNon-Life Reinsurance
Event Webinar: Premium and Reserve Risk USPs in the Solvency II Standard Formula Non-LifeNon-Life Reinsurance
Event Webinar: Protecting tomorrow: the future of the Irish insurance industry CROsINEDsLifeLife HoAFsLife ReinsuranceNon-LifeNon-Life HoAFsNon-Life ReinsuranceStudents
Event Webinar: Explainability and fairness of machine learning based non-life pricing models Data AnalyticsNon-LifeNon-Life Reinsurance
Event Webinar: IFRS 17 survey results and emerging issues HealthcareLifeLife ReinsuranceNon-LifeNon-Life Reinsurance
Event Webinar: Insurance Capital Standards (ICS) – Not another one?? CROsEnterprise Risk ManagementHoAFsLifeLife ReinsuranceNon-Life
Event Webinar: General Insurance Pricing Series 2022 Part 3: Insure Tech Pricing Non-LifeWider Fields
Event Webinar: General Insurance Pricing Series 2022 Part 2: Differential Pricing CROsHoAFsINED'sNon-LifeScheme ActuariesStudents
Event Webinar: General Insurance Pricing Series 2022 Part 1: Ethics in Pricing Cross-PracticeData AnalyticsGeneral InsuranceNon-LifeProfessionalism TrainingWider Fields
Event Webinar: (Second session) Machine learning in general insurance reserving – method comparison and interpretation Data AnalyticsNon-LifeNon-Life Reinsurance
Event Webinar: (First session) Machine learning in general insurance reserving – a worked example Data AnalyticsNon-LifeNon-Life Reinsurance
Event Webinar: IFRS 17 – member survey results HealthcareLifeLife ReinsuranceNon-LifeNon-Life Reinsurance
Event Webinar: Revised Personal Injuries Guidelines Non-LifeNon-Life Reinsurance