
Content type Date Sort ascending Title Tags
Event Risk Management in Insurance: Principles and application of Solvency II in the context of value based and risk oriented management Cross-Practice
Event 30th International Summer School of the Swiss Association of Actuaries (2017) Cross-Practice
Event Collaborative leadership Cross-Practice
Event IMI Advant-edge 1: Why fostering a growth mindset in organisations matters Cross-Practice
News Professionalism Training: Request for Proposal Cross-Practice
Event 2017 Investment & Economic Outlook on Global Markets - What investors need to watch for in these volatile times Cross-Practice
Event Actuarial Careers & Hot Topics Cross-PracticeStudentsPresentation
Event Predictive Modelling For Customer Targeting - A Banking Example BankingCross-PracticeData AnalyticsPodcastPresentation
Event SAI President's Biennial Dinner Cross-Practice
News AAE Publications Cross-PracticeNon-SAI publication
News SAI Newsletter November 2016 Cross-PracticeNewsletter
Event IMI Masterclass 1: Surviving and Thriving – Dual Career Couples Cross-Practice
Event IMI Talent Forum 1:The (un)known (un)known’s of Talent Strategy: Assumptions and Expectations for your Talent Strategy design Cross-Practice
Event IMI Event: CPD 4 2016: A Practical Guide to Ethical Leadership Cross-Practice
Event IMI Masterclass 3: Beyond Measure – The Big Impact of Small Changes Cross-Practice