
23rd & 24th October 2017

Barcelona, Spain

IAALS Colloquium - Barcelona, Spain

The seemingly unstoppable growth in human life expectancy, which, coupled with the current state of health and social services, has led to a remarkable rise in longevity right across the face of the Earth. While this may be heralded as great news for mankind, it nevertheless lays down a major challenge to both private and public pension schemes, the life insurance industry as a whole and therefore the actuarial profession itself.

In this event, entitled; “Long-Term Saving in an Ageing World” the aim is to take a closer look at the matter mentioned above and the repercussions implied by it.  

Col·legi d'Actuaris de Catalunya are privileged to count upon the participation of the following specialists on the subject, who will share their wisdom and insight on the theme: Dr Nicholas Barr, Professor at the London School of Economics, Dr Stéphane Loisel, Professor at the University of Lyon and Dr Jens Perch Nielson, Professor of Actuarial Science at City University London.

The Colloquium will also provide participants unfamiliar with the city with an ideal opportunity to get to know Barcelona, now one of the world’s most visited metropolis, with its outstanding, cultural, leisure and gastronomic delights.

Full information on this event and how to register can be found here.




Event Type
Col·legi d'Actuaris de Catalunya (Catalan Actuaries Association)