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Event Introduction to the Actuarial Profession Cross-PracticeStudents
Event SAI Gala Ball Cross-Practice
News Minister for Social Protection launches Pensions Board Annual Report 2012 PensionsNon-SAI publication
News Results of EIOPA Long-Term Guarantee Assessment Enterprise Risk ManagementERM: Non-LifeFinance & InvestmentGeneral InsuranceHealthcareInternationalLife AssuranceLife ReinsuranceNon-Life ReinsuranceNon-Life: RegulationNon-Life: ReservingSolvency IISolvency II: Non-Life
News EIOPA Annual Report 2012 Pensions
Event SAI Annual Convention - Pensions Forum PensionsPodcastPresentation
Event SAI Annual Convention - General Insurance Forum General InsurancePodcastPresentation
Event SAI Annual Convention - Life Forum PodcastPresentation
Event Life Reinsurance Forum (Part II) Life ReinsurancePodcastPresentation
News Published: Occupational Pension Schemes (Funding Standard Reserve) Regulations 2013 Pensions
Event Address by Governor Patrick Honohan - MEMBERS ONLY Cross-Practice
News Minister Burton introduces new measures to assist Defined Benefit pension schemes meet their funding proposals PensionsSocial Policy
News Occupational Pension Funds (IORP): Next Steps Pensions
News Society of Actuaries in Ireland expresses concern about delay to reform of pensions legislation PensionsPress Release
News Proposed Principles for Communicating Investment Risk Paper