
Tuesday 21st April - 8.45 to 5pm followed by dinner
Wednesday 22nd April - 9am to 3.15pm

Alexander Hotel

Solvency II for Non-Life Actuaries

Solvency II will apply starting from 1/1/2016 and hence will require all insurers to prepare for the upcoming tasks. Since 2014 the so called Solvency II preparatory phase is in force, guided by a number of preparatory guidelines issued by EIOPA.

This seminar will focus on Pillar 1, 2 and 3 topics of Solvency II that relate particularly to nonlife insurance business. It will start by providing an overview of non-life related topics for each Pillar and then move towards covering the details with regard to non-life Technical Provisions, elements of the SCR (hereby primarily focussing on standard formula), USPs, Actuarial Function, ORSA and conclude on topics relating to reporting in QRTs, RSR and SFCR. All sessions will be a combination of lectures, short case studies/ group works and in particular
will focus on pragmatic and practical solutions to the requirements that will be presented.

Full details are available on the First Announcement document attached below

Event Type
EAA - European Actuarial Academy GmbH
File attachments
Date Attachment Size
30/11/2016 First Announcement 129.78 KB Download