

MEMBERS ONLY EVENT: Life Reinsurance Forum

MEMBERS ONLY EVENT: Life Reinsurance Forum To access podcast please contact the Society:   Life Reinsurance Podcast Presentation Members only event: Forum Thu, 03/03/2011 - 15:30 3.30pm - Tea/Coffee 4pm - Forum 7pm - Finish Davenport …
Last updated: 13 Mar 2023

Webinar: IFRS 17 transition balance sheet – issues and insights

Webinar: IFRS 17 transition balance sheet – issues and insights Recording of this event now available on YouTube  & Actuview .  This presentation is part of a series of IFRS 17 talks prepared jointly by the SAI life and non-life IFRS17 working groups. It …
Last updated: 21 Dec 2022

Actuarial Reading Lists

Actuarial Reading Lists The following link below takes you to the ‘Reading Lists’ section of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries website where you have access to a wide range of additional material, deemed relevant for the actuarial exams: …
Last updated: 06 Oct 2023

Student Consultative Forum

Student Consultative Forum The Student Consultative Forum (SCF) is a forum that meets twice a year to discuss issues of concern to students.  This webpage on the IFoA website provides information on what the Student Consultative Forum is, how and when it …
Last updated: 06 Oct 2023

Student Society Events

Student Society Events The Student Society provides well-earned relief from the pressures of the actuarial exams! Events are organised on a regular basis and details of upcoming events as well as pics, stories and results from past events are set out …
Last updated: 06 Oct 2023

Study Techniques - Useful Articles

Study Techniques - Useful Articles Everyone knows that studying is a skill that is fine-tuned over many years and different approaches work well for different people. By the time you sit your first actuarial exam, you are likely to have already sat many …
Last updated: 06 Oct 2023

Meet the Actuary Interviews

Meet the Actuary Interviews Over the coming months, we intend to publish informal interviews with actuarial students and qualified actuaries involved in different areas of practice within the actuarial market in Ireland. This may provide you with an …
Last updated: 23 Feb 2023

Launch of the New Term; President's Address

Launch of the New Term; President's Address This event was recorded and can be watched here . On 21st September, SAI President, Declan Lavelle will host a short meeting to brief members on our plans for the future of the Society, as we enter into the last …
Last updated: 06 Oct 2022

Pension Adjustment Orders

Pension Adjustment Orders These lectures are provided free as a Member Benefit to fully paid up Fellows, Associates and Members and are also FREE to current students. Guests are welcome subject to availability and payment of a €50 fee per guest.  You are …
Last updated: 17 Jan 2011

SAI New Qualifiers' Reception

SAI New Qualifiers' Reception Cross-Practice New Qualifiers' Reception Thu, 24/03/2011 - 17:30 5.30pm - Tour of Royal College of Physicians 6pm - Presentation of FSAI Parchments 6.30pm - Reception The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, Kildare Street …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016