

Introduction to IFRS17

Introduction to IFRS17 IFRS17 is an International Financial Reporting Standard that was issued by the International Accounting Standards Board in May 2017. It replaces IFRS 4 on accounting for insurance contracts and has an effective date of 1 January …
Last updated: 13 Mar 2023

Master Trusts – why and what next

Master Trusts – why and what next The presenter, Steve Charlton, will take a look at the rational for the emergence of Master Trusts in the UK; the regulatory framework that caused their ascendancy; and what the future might look like in the new …
Last updated: 13 Mar 2023

Increase in Stress Related Employee Claims

Increase in Stress Related Employee Claims Submitted by TheSecretariat on Wed, 01/11/2000 - 00:00 Press Release Increase in Stress Related Employee …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016

Pension Age Should Vary from 65

Pension Age Should Vary from 65 Submitted by TheSecretariat on Mon, 02/10/2000 - 00:00 Press Release Pension Age Should Vary from …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016

Radical Reform of Health System Urged

Radical Reform of Health System Urged Submitted by TheSecretariat on Wed, 08/03/2000 - 00:00 Press Release Radical Reform of Health System …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016

Mortality & Smoking

Mortality & Smoking Submitted by TheSecretariat on Mon, 07/02/2000 - 00:00 Press Release Mortality & Smoking …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016

Influencing and Negotiating Skills & Stakeholder engagement

Influencing and Negotiating Skills & Stakeholder engagement This course will give participants the ability to be influential in all their communications and the skills and strategies to deal with specific negotiations. It will give them the core skill set …
Last updated: 05 Dec 2018