

Webinar: Stress Testing – The Human Impact

Webinar: Stress Testing – The Human Impact The recording of this event is now available on: YouTube actuview Life has never been so busy or demanding. Juggling the pressures of family, work, a career and our other responsibilities can wear us down. …
Last updated: 11 Jul 2023

Annual Convention 2020 ERM Presentation

Annual Convention 2020 ERM Presentation A lot of people think actuaries are boring. If you said this to (most) actuaries they would argue against the stereotype. What do you think when you hear “compliance” though? I have to admit when I hear compliance, …
Last updated: 17 May 2021

UL Guarantees

UL Guarantees The paper will cover: Assessment of Risks and Risk Mitigation of Unit Linked Guarantees with a primary focus on Variable Annuities Specifically looking at the primary challenges of risk replication covering transaction, funding and …
Last updated: 13 Mar 2023

IFoA Thought Leadership Speaker Series

IFoA Thought Leadership Speaker Series In 2021 the UK Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (‘IFOA’) introduced a thought leadership speaker series. The aim of this series is to “help promote innovate thinking, debate and discussion both within and beyond …
Last updated: 18 Nov 2021

Risk Management Perspectives Conference 2022

Risk Management Perspectives Conference 2022 The Society of Actuaries in Ireland is pleased to announce the date for the Risk Management Perspectives Conference 2022 , which will take place on Thursday, 2nd June 2022.   This will be an in-person event in …
Last updated: 17 Apr 2023

National Enterprise Risk Management Summit 2010

National Enterprise Risk Management Summit 2010 In today’s world, managing risk has become a necessity, not an option.  Introducing New Products, Entering New Markets, Mergers & Acquisitions, Board Member Appointments, Securing Investors, Technology, not …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016

Webinar: Pensions Forum 2022

Webinar: Pensions Forum 2022 A video of this event is now available to view on: actuview YouTube Pensions Forum 2022, including: An update from Paul Torsney, the Chair of the Pensions Committee Brendan Kennedy, Chief Executive of the Pensions Authority, …
Last updated: 27 Apr 2022

European Congress of Actuaries

European Congress of Actuaries Submitted by TheSecretariat on Tue, 10/01/2012 - 11:48 The Groupe Consultatif's first European Congress of Actuaries - ECA 2012 - will take place in Brussels on 7/8 June 2012. The theme is The Future European Actuary. This …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016

The Future European Actuary

The Future European Actuary The Groupe Consultatif's first European Congress of Actuaries - ECA 2012 - will take place in Brussels on 7/8 June 2012. The theme is The Future European Actuary. This Congress aims to attract actuaries working in industry, …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016

Enterprise Risk Management Seminar

Enterprise Risk Management Seminar Risk management has always been core to what we do. However, in today’s environment of economic and financial uncertainty, new regulation and emerging lessons from the financial crisis, risk management has been elevated …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016