
3.30pm - Tea/Coffee

4pm - Meeting

Alexander Hotel

Complexities of Risk

Modern business has become increasingly complex, yet many of the business and risk management techniques used were designed in simpler times. Other sciences have, meanwhile, made progress in developing techniques appropriate for such situations. This session introduces the practical ways in which you can manage risk better using these insights, and also meet rating and regulatory requirements.


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Biographical details

Neil is a Principal working in Milliman’s London office. With over 20 years’ industry experience he has worked both in business and consulting. Prior to joining Milliman, Neil sat on the UK board of a large insurer,  with executive responsibility for areas such as strategy, risk management and finance. At Milliman Neil leads the global development of CRisALIS™, Milliman’s cutting-edge approach to identifying, understanding, managing and modelling enterprise risk. Neil is also leading research sponsored by the UK Actuarial Profession into risk appetite and emerging risk.

Cost (members)
No charge
Cost (non-members)
Event Type
Afternoon meeting
Neil Cantle
File attachments
Date Attachment Size
30/11/2016 Complexities of Risk - Neil Cantle 7.69 MB Download