
26 Sep 2011

SAI President's Address 2011

Paul O'Faherty presented his Presidential Address on 22nd September.

Paul chose the theme of “Relevance in a time of change and turmoil” and opened by asking the question, “Through all the economic turmoil in Ireland, it’s certainly worth asking ourselves individually and collectively as actuaries - how relevant have we been in these most difficult of times?”

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13 Sep 2011

SAI Newsletter September 2011

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12 Sep 2011

SAI eNews September 2011

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17 Aug 2011

IAA AFIR Section expands scope to Enterprise Risk Management

At the June, 2011 general meeting of the AFIR (Actuarial Approach for Financial Risks) section in Madrid, the membership affirmed a major expansion of the scope of the IAA section to now include Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) along with continuing the original focus on financial risks.  To emphasize this change, the section has taken on a new name, AFIR/ERM. 

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27 Jul 2011

Society responds to the Second Consultation on Review of Consumer Protection Code

The Society of Actuaries in Ireland has responded to the Central Bank of Ireland’s Consultation Paper “Second Consultation on Review of Consumer Protection Code”.

The Society supports the Central Bank’s continued objective to strengthen the consumer protection framework. We welcome the introduction of revised measures which will benefit consumers in their dealings with the financial services industry and which will provide both additional protections and enhancements to existing provisions.

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07 Jul 2011

New Council and Strategy Plan 2011-2014

The Society's Council has adopted a new Strategy Plan covering the period 2011-2014. 

Recently-elected President, Paul O'Faherty, told members: 

"This Plan reflects the thinking of a wide cross-section of members and in particular it has been considerably enhanced by direct feedback from attendees at the Annual Convention.  As always, though, we will be relying on your continued enthusiasm and energy to bring it to life.

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29 Jun 2011

Society responds to consultation on Economic Scenario Generators and Market Consistency

The Society of Actuaries in Ireland has responded to the Central Bank of Ireland’s Discussion Paper  on “Economic Scenario Generators and Market Consistency”.

The Society recognises the difficulties involved with calibrating market-consistent economic-scenario generators in the absence of deep and liquid markets, and we welcome the Central Bank's initiation of a discussion on this topic.

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23 Jun 2011

Second International Comparative Study of Mortality Tables for Pension Fund Retirees

A paper entitled a “Second International Comparative Study of Mortality Tables for Pension Fund Retirees” has been published by T.Z.Sithole (Kingston University), S.Haberman and R.J.Verrall (both Cass Business School, City University London). 

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22 Jun 2011

Groupe Consultatif publishes presentations from Summer School on ORSA

Presentations made at the Groupe Consultatif's recent Summer School on Testing and Disclosing Own Risk Models for Solvency Assessmentsare now available on the Groupe's website at

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20 Jun 2011

Groupe Consultatif to recruit Deputy Chief Executive

The Groupe Consultatif Actuariel Européen wishes to appoint a full‐time Deputy Chief Executive, based in Brussels, with a focus on fulfilling the Public Affairs function.  In particular, this will involve responsibility for achieving the Groupe’s strategic aim to raise awareness of the actuarial profession among decision-makers in the European Union on a political and economic level, especially in the European Commission and the European Parliament, but also among supervisors, insurance companies, pension funds, financial institutions, consumer organisations, unions, etc.

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20 Jun 2011

UK Actuarial Profession: Calls for Research

Funding for long term care

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08 Jun 2011

SAI Newsletter June 2011

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