
19 May 2011

Dept of Social Protection invites tenders for pensions consultancy

As part of the National Pensions Framework implementation process, the Department of Social Protection intends to establish a panel of consultants, some of whom may be engaged from time to time during the implementation process.

In that regard, a Request for Tender has been published today, requesting applications from vendors who wish to be considered for entry to that panel.     

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18 May 2011

Longevity Bulletin and Emerging Trends Symposium

Longevity Bulletin

In the first edition of the Actuarial Profession’s  Longevity Bulletin, editor Alison O’Connell publishes the findings of a new comparison of a range of international projections of future longevity that reveals some consistent themes. They are:

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18 May 2011

Society responds to consultation on The Fit and Proper Regime

The Society of Actuaries in Ireland has responded to the Central Bank of Ireland’s Consultation on “The Fit and Proper Regime in Part 3 of the Central Bank Reform Act 2010”.

The Society recognises the importance of a robust fitness and probity regime and supports the objectives of the Central Bank in this area. However, the response notes that fitness and probity must be seen as only one part of an overall corporate governance and risk management structure.

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11 May 2011

Society issues press release on Pension Fund Levy

The Government announced yesterday that “Jobs Initiative 2011” will be partly funded by a special levy on pension savings.

In a press release the Society of Actuaries in Ireland acknowledged the economic and fiscal challenges the country faces and the

need in particular to get more people back to work. However, any changes to pension policy can have far-reaching consequences,

so must be properly thought through.

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01 Apr 2011

Solvency II: Central Bank publishes Irish QIS5 results



Solvency II: Central Bank publishes Irish QIS5 results


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23 Mar 2011

SAI Newsletter March 2011

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16 Mar 2011

Constructing a Risk Appetite Framework: An Introduction

Paper on Risk Appetite

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10 Mar 2011

IAA Releases Note on Enterprise Risk Management for Pensions

IAA News Release:

The International Actuarial Association is pleased to announce the publication by its Pensions and Employee Benefits Committee of a Note on Enterprise Risk Management for Pensions.

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01 Mar 2011

Society issues press release on Gender Directive ruling

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has today ruled that Article 5(2) of the Gender Directive 2004/113/EC breaches European Union gender discrimination laws.  Article 5(2) currently permits individual member states to differentiate between men and women when pricing insurance where statistical evidence shows gender is a determining risk factor.  The ECJ has ruled that this derogation is invalid from 21st December 2012.  

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01 Mar 2011

Society responds to consultation on Impact Metrics for Risk Based Supervision

The Society of Actuaries in Ireland has responded to a “Consultation on Impact Metrics for the Risk Based Supervision of Financial Firms by the Central Bank and on Impact Based Levies”.

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10 Feb 2011

Kevin Murphy addresses members and guests at SAI Biennial Dinner

Kevin Murphy, President of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland, addressed members and guests at the Society’s Biennial Dinner on 10th February.  His speech is now available by clicking here.

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