
31 Jan 2011

Society responds to EIOPA consultation on Variable Annuities

The Society has responded to the EIOPA (formerly CEIOPS) consultation paper CP83, “Draft Report on Variable Annuities”.

We welcomed the Draft Report and expressed support for a substantial majority of the recommendations made in it.

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21 Jan 2011

SAI Newsletter January 2011

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21 Dec 2010

Society issues statement on "sovereign annuities"

The Society of Actuaries in Ireland has issued a statement welcoming the "sovereign annuities" initiative introduced in the Dáil last week. 

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20 Dec 2010

Solvency II: CEIOPS provides update on Quantitative Impact Study

The Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors (CEIOPS) has announced its completion of the first phase of the fifth Solvency II Quantitative Impact Study (QIS5).

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25 Nov 2010

IAA Releases Note on Internal Models

IAA News Release:

The International Actuarial Association is pleased to announce the completion of the paper Note on the Use of Internal Models for Risk and Capital Management Purposes by the Solvency Subcommittee of the Insurance Regulation Committee.

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25 Nov 2010

Expert Working Group publishes Report on Medical Negligence and Periodic Payments

An expert working group on medical negligence litigation, chaired by High Court Judge Mr Justice John Quirke and including Mr James Kehoe, Fellow, Society of Actuaries in Ireland, has reported that the current system of awarding lump sum payments for damages for future care needs in medical negligence, and all other cases where catastrophic injuries are awarded damages, is inadequate and inappropriate.

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23 Nov 2010

Society submits comments to European Commission on Insurance Guarantee Scheme

The Society has responded to a European Commission consultation on insurance guarantee schemes.
Consultation documents

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15 Nov 2010

SAI Newsletter November 2010

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11 Nov 2010

Society says that fundamental review of defined benefit pension system is long overdue

The Society of Actuaries in Ireland has stressed that it is vital that the ambitious deadline set for the potentially far-reaching review of defined benefit pension schemes announced recently by Minister Ó Cuív is delivered upon and a new protection system is put in place promptly.

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08 Nov 2010

Sovereign Annuities

The Society has issued a briefing statement on the “sovereign annuities” concept that has attracted media attention recently.

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12 Oct 2010

Central Bank of Ireland issues second edition of Solvency II newsletter

The Central Bank of Ireland has issued the second edition of their Solvency II Newsletter, ” Solvency II Matters - Issue 2.  There are a number of important updates in this issue, including updates on the process for submitting QIS5 results, an overview of the Internal Model pre-application process and guidance on Article 4 of the Directive.  Any feedback on the newsletter or suggestions for future topics sho

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