
13 Jan 2012

Society responds to consultation on EU-wide legislative framework for IORPs

In April 2011, the European Commission asked EIOPA  for advice on the EU-wide legislative framework for IORPs (Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision).

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11 Jan 2012

European Commission publishes guidelines on Gender Directive

The European Commission has published guidelines on the application of the Council Directive 2004/113/EC (the “Gender Directive”) to insurance, in the light of last year’s judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Case C-236/09 (Test-Achats).

Article 5(1) of the Gender Directive provides that, for new insurance and other financial services contracts concluded after 21st December 2007, the use of gender as an actuarial factor in the calculation of premiums and benefits must not result in differences in individuals’ premiums and benefits.

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10 Jan 2012

European Congress of Actuaries

The Groupe Consultatif's first European Congress of Actuaries - ECA 2012 - will take place in Brussels on 7/8 June 2012. The theme is The Future European Actuary. This Congress aims to attract actuaries working in industry, consulting and academia, as well as other financial professionals, politicians and others interested in the future of risk management in Europe. The programme will include speakers from the European Parliament and Commission, supervisory authorities, rating agencies, and other fields.

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06 Dec 2011

Groupe Consultatif says that consumers will suffer if antidiscrimination goes too far with insurance

Brussels - It is in the interest of consumers that insurance markets provide affordable and accessible insurance. However, if risk factors such as age and disability should be ruled discriminatory, as was the case for gender in the landmark ruling of the European Court of Justice in March 2011, certain types of insurance cover could become unavailable, according to the Groupe Consultatif Actuariel Européen.

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05 Dec 2011

Newsletter December 2011

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30 Nov 2011

Dept of Social Protection note about upcoming DB changes

The Government has approved a number of changes to defined benefit (DB) pension provision to help ensure its sustainability, enhance the security of member benefits and increase equity between members of DB schemes.  The note is now attached.

To read the Sociey's note about the same changes - please click here

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30 Nov 2011

Pensions Board note about funding proposal deadlines

Note from Pensions Board about Funding Proposal Deadlines

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21 Nov 2011

Economic & financial dataset

The Society of Actuaries in Ireland  provided a research grant last year to Colm Fitzgerald, a Fellow of the Society, to enable him to collate an extensive economic, investment and financial dataset, for use by actuaries and other interested persons and bodies.  Approximately 300 years of equity and bond/interest rate data, along with approximately 900 years of inflation and earnings inflation data,

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17 Nov 2011

Society publishes Position Paper on Taxation of Private Pension Provision

The Society of Actuaries in Ireland has published a position paper on “Taxation of Private Pension Provision”. 

The primary purpose of the paper is to examine the effect of reducing the tax relief on pension contributions made by individuals.

Individuals currently receive tax relief at their marginal income tax rate on pension contributions.  The National Recovery Plan 2011-2014 proposes to change the tax relief from the individual’s marginal tax rate to the standard tax rate of 20% by 2014.

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10 Oct 2011

SAI President's Address 2011 - Summary

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30 Sep 2011

Risk Management – A supervisor’s approach

Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority, delivered a speech entitled "Risk Management – A supervisor’s approach" at the SUERF (Société Universitaire Européenne de Recherches Financières) European Money and Finance Forum on the 22nd September 2011 in Helsinki.

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27 Sep 2011

Comments on "Draft Guidance on Fitness and Probity"

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