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Date Sort ascending Event Title Podcast Speakers/Presenters
03 Oct 2013 Demography Forum James Tait, Jamie Leitch, Ciaran McGrath, Dr. John Schoonbee
25 Sep 2013 EIOPA's consultation paper on the valuation of sponsor support Colin Haines, Aidan O'Mahony
25 Sep 2013 ERM: Insights for Insurers Patrick Brady, Esko Kivisaari, Niamh Brennan, Pat Ryan, Francis Coll, Eamonn Phelan, Lukas Ziewer, John McCrossan, Marie Sinnott
25 Sep 2013 ERM: Insights for Insurers Part III
25 Sep 2013 ERM: Insights for Insurers - Part II
19 Sep 2013 SAI Presidential Address Dermot Corry
11 Sep 2013 Investment Manager Selection – a focus on alternative investment Mary Cahill & Ciara Connolly
19 Jun 2013 Longevity Catalysts Khurram Khan and Robert Bugg
10 Jun 2013 SAI AGM followed by evening meeting ‘Can regulation drive sub-optimal outcomes for stakeholders?’ David O’Sullivan and David Kavanagh.
05 Jun 2013 Spotlight on Unit Linked Funds - Issues Arising from the UK Regulator's Thematic Review George McCutcheon