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Date Sort ascending Event Title Podcast Speakers/Presenters
27 Sep 2012 How to make your money last all of your life and how policymakers can help PART 3
27 Sep 2012 How to make your money last all of your life and how policymakers can help PART 2
27 Sep 2012 How to make your money last all of your life and how policymakers can help Paul O'Faherty, Minister Joan Burton, Alan Barrett, Patrick Cosgrave, Niall O'Callaghan, Aisling Kennedy, John Deely
24 Sep 2012 Test Achats - Impact on General Insurance James Grennan, Karl Niemann, Tony Culley
21 Sep 2012 Climate Change, Resource Depletion, Limits to Growth and the Financial System Oliver Bettis
10 Sep 2012 Round table discussion on Reserving for Solvency II Susan Dreksler and Jerome Kirk
05 Sep 2012 Sovereign Annuities Keith Burns, Sandra Rockett and Philip Smith
15 Jun 2012 SAI Annual Convention - GENERAL INSURANCE Forum Ger Bradley, Roy Keenan, Roger Jackson
15 Jun 2012 SAI Annual Convention - PENSIONS Forum Brendan Kennedy, Keith Burns, Cathal Fleming
15 Jun 2012 SAI Annual Convention - LIFE Forum Dermot Corry, Dervla Tomlin, Shane O'Farrell, Chris Jewon, Kevin Manning