
Content type Date Sort ascending Title Tags
Event POSTPONED TO 22nd APRIL:A Bright Future for the Enterprising Actuary Cross-PracticeEnterprise Risk ManagementFinance & InvestmentGeneral InsuranceHealthcareLife AssuranceLife ReinsuranceNon-Life ReinsurancePensionsPRSASolvency II
News Annuitant Mortality Study DemographyLife AssurancePensionsDemography Studies
Event Pension Risk Enterprise Risk ManagementPensionsPodcastPresentation
Event Update on Pensions Issues PensionsPresentation
Event InDCent Exposure - making DC safer for members PensionsPresentation
Actuarial Standard of Practice Statements of Reasonable Projection - Occupational Pension Schemes and Trust RACs Pensions
Actuarial Standard of Practice Disclosure of directors pension costs under Irish stock exchange listing rules Pensions
Actuarial Standard of Practice Compliance monitoring reviews of the statutory work of scheme actuaries Pensions
Actuarial Standard of Practice Accounting for retirement benefits under Financial Reporting Standard 17 (withdrawn 14.03.2019) Pensions
Actuarial Standard of Practice Actuarial statements required in connection with the US statements of financial accounting standards no. 87, No. 88 and No. 132 (FAS 87, 88 and 132) (withdrawn 14.03.2019) Pensions
Actuarial Standard of Practice Calculations required under the Family Law Act, 1995, the Family Law (Divorce) Act, 1996 or the Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act, 2010 Pensions
Actuarial Standard of Practice Funding proposals and (in Version 5.0) actuarial statements under the Pensions Act Pensions
Actuarial Standard of Practice Actuarial Funding Certificates, Funding Standard Reserve Certificates and Actuarial Statements under the Pensions Act 1990 Pensions
Actuarial Standard of Practice Retirement Benefit Schemes transfer values Pensions
Actuarial Standard of Practice Funding defined benefits – Actuarial reports Pensions