Statements of Reasonable Projection - Occupational Pension Schemes and Trust RACs

Legislation or Authority
Pensions Act, 1990
Occupational Pension Schemes (Disclosure of Information) Regulations, 2006 (S.I.
No. 301 of 2006)
Trust RACs (Disclosure of Information) Regulations, 2007 (S.I. No. 182 of 2007)
Members of the Society providing advice to trustees of occupational pension schemes
in relation to the preparation of Statements of Reasonable Projection – DC pursuant to
the Occupational Pensions Disclosure Regulations or providing advice to trustees of
Trust RACs in relation to the preparation of Statements of Reasonable Projection –
Trust RACs pursuant to the Trust RACs Disclosure Regulations
File attachments
Date Attachment Size
30/11/2016 Version 1.0 (effective 01.07.2009) 45.76 KB Download
30/11/2016 Version 1.1 (effective 01.11.2010) 37.74 KB Download
30/11/2016 Version 1.2 (effective 01.03.2012) 56.18 KB Download
30/11/2016 Version 1.3 (effective 02.12.2013) 69.63 KB Download
30/11/2016 Version 1.4 (effective 01.01.2015) 372.21 KB Download
30/11/2016 Version 1.5 (effective 01.04.2016) - amended 27.07.2016 713.68 KB Download
18/05/2017 Version 1.6 (effective 01.10.2017) 547.35 KB Download
23/10/2020 Version 1.7 (effective date 01.03.2021 early adoption encouraged) 309.29 KB Download
07/02/2023 Version 1.8 (effective date 01.05.2023 early adoption encouraged) 897.73 KB Download
03/09/2024 Version 1.9 (effective date 01.01.2025 early adoption encouraged) 364.14 KB Download