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ERM Resource ERM: a status report; A study funded by The IIA Research Foundation reveals how far organizations have come in developing enterprise risk management and internal auditing's role in the process COSOERM and Risk Management Frameworkinternal auditNo specific risk
ERM Resource The Impact of Enterprise Risk Management on the Internal Audit Function internal auditNo categoryNo specific risk
ERM Resource The End of Enterprise Risk Management Benefits of ERMBuy-Side risk managementNo specific riskshortcomings of current ERM thinking and practiceVaR
ERM Resource The effects of corporate governance on firms’ credit ratings Compliance and Corporate GovernanceCorporate Governancecredit ratingExecutive compensationNo specific risk
ERM Resource Incorporating Risk Considerations into Planning and Control Systems: The Influence of Risk Management Value Creation Objectives Enterprise Risk ManagementNo specific riskPlanning and control system designRisk AppetiteRisk Capacity and Risk Objectives
ERM Resource Enterprise Risk Management — Understanding and Communicating Risk Appetite Enterprise Risk ManagementNo specific riskRisk appetiteRisk AppetiteRisk Capacity and Risk Objectives
ERM Resource Defining your taste for Risk Enterprise Risk Managementexhibited risk appetiteNo specific riskRisk AppetiteRisk Capacity and Risk ObjectivesTarget risk appetite
ERM Resource Developing a Robust Risk Appetite Statement capital managementEnterprise Risk Management (ERM)No specific riskRisk Appetiterisk appetite statementRisk Capacity and Risk ObjectivesRisk Measurement
ERM Resource Managerial risk preference and its influencing factors: analysis of large state-owned enterprises management personnel in China managerial risk preference managerial risk preference scale influencing factors China state-owned enterprise management personnelNo specific riskRisk AppetiteRisk Capacity and Risk Objectives
ERM Resource Big Enterprise Tax Risk Management: Warning, Simulation and Application CTAIS,VATLegal RiskRisk AppetiteRisk Capacity and Risk Objectivesrisk managementTax Riskthe evaluation modelthe identification modelthe measurement modelthe response model
ERM Resource The Influence of External Auditor's Working Style, Communication Barriers and Enterprise Risk Management toward Reliance on Internal Auditor's Work Audit RiskCompliance and Corporate GovernanceExternal AuditorInternal AuditorReliance
ERM Resource The determinants of enterprise risk management: Evidence from the appointment of chief risk officers. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)ERM and Risk Management FrameworkNo specific riskTraditional risk management (TRM) Chief risk officer (CRO)
ERM Resource Critical review of literature on enterprise risk management and the cost of capital: The value creation perspective Benefits of ERMCost of CapitalEnterprise Risk ManagementIdiosyncratic riskNo specific riskrisk premium
ERM Resource Investigating the development of enterprise risk management in the insurance industry: An empirical study of four major European insurers. Enterprise Risk ManagementERM and Risk Management Frameworkinterdisciplinary approachNo specific riskrisk communicationRisk Measurementshareholdersstakeholders
ERM Resource Integrated risk management and the role of the risk manager alternative risk management methodsDerivativesERM and Risk Management Frameworkintegrated risk managementNo specific risk