

RDS, Anglesea Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4

Predict Data Conference

The Predict Data Conference takes place in the RDS on 2nd October, 2018.  More than 50 international and Irish speakers will speak on topics including Artificial Intelligence, Manufacturing 4.0, Sport, FinTech / Blockchain, Sharing Economy, Data Science, Internet of Things, Health & Quantified Self.

What people are saying about Predict:

“Predict is the business conference of the future. It's the emerging wave of change that will wash over every business in times to come- Niall McKeown, Ionology

It’s really hard to get a room full of people with this level of expertise and who are all focused on the future of predictive analytics. Bravo.” – Padraig Mannion, IBM

Excellent conference that shows what’s already happening and which signposts the future.– Michael Murphy, Enterprise Ireland

Here, conference organiser Cronan McNamara describes the format:

We wanted to push the boundaries of traditional conferences to match how people really learn, connect and become inspired. We will have 50 speakers from three continents delivering ground-breaking case studies, a workshop series the following day, an exhibition floor and an ongoing programme of events in the lead-up to and following the conference

Visit to find out more.

Our Wider Fields Committee has arranged a 25% discount for members of the Society to attend this conference – click here to purchase your discounted ticket.

You can also purchase your discounted ticket by clicking on “Book tickets” at and entering the Discount Code PREDSAI2018.

If you have experience in any of the areas covered, this is a great opportunity to present your thoughts and ideas to an international audience – and help demonstrate the positive contributions that the actuarial profession can make in this field.

Take a look at the current line-up of speakers and their topics - and apply to speak too – at

Event Type
Predict Conference