Investment Governance
This seminar explores the ways in which institutional investors such as DB & DC pension schemes govern and oversee their investment arrangements have evolved over the past ten years. It will explore:
- the different governance models now commonly in place; and
- the features and factors which have led different investors to reach different preferred models.
Eamonn Liddy has many years’ investment consulting experience dealing with clients across a variety of investment governance arrangements and varying levels of delegation.
Tom Armstrong is an external management consultant to Toyota Group Ireland and has kindly agreed to share their experience of pension scheme governance and the types of model which they have used over the years.
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Eamonn Liddy is a partner in Mercer, and has held various roles within their broader Investments business since 1998. He has since 2015 held a wider role as Head of Clients across Mercer’s growing Delegated Solutions business in Ireland, and advises clients on a range of investment consulting issues.
Tom Armstrong is a Chartered Accountant and has over 25 years’ experience working as a senior executive within various sectors. He has worked at a senior level in the Motor, Investment, Leisure, Equestrian and Property sectors. He was Finance Director of Toyota Ireland for 10 years and CFO of Killeen Group Holdings for over four years where he had overall responsibility for Finance, IT, HR, and Company Secretarial as well as operating as part of the senior management team. He is now an Executive Coach, Mentor and Facilitator and works with people across a wide range of organisations.