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ERM Resource U.S. Property-Casualty: Underwriting Cycle Modeling and Risk Benchmarks Insurance RiskNo categoryUnderwriting Cycle
ERM Resource Future Trends in Morbidity and Mortality in Europe disabilitylife expectancyMorbidity Risk Morbidity RiskMortality RiskMortality RiskNo category
ERM Resource Does morbidity-modeling solve the problem of predicting death and disability ? disabilityMorbidity RiskMortality RiskNo category
ERM Resource Actuarial Viewpoints on and Roles in Systemic Risk Regulation in Insurance Markets No categorySystemic RiskSystemic Risk
ERM Resource Project Management Planning No categoryProject ManagementProject Risk
ERM Resource Project risk management: lessons learned from software development environment No categoryProject ManagementProject Risk
ERM Resource 130 Project Risks (List) Project ManagementProject RiskRisk Identification and Classification
ERM Resource A classified bibliography of recent research relating to project risk management No categoryProject ManagementProject Risk
ERM Resource Considerations for the Development of a Pandemic Scenario Dynamic Capital Adequacy TestingExtreme Event RiskmorbidityNo categoryPandemic Risk
ERM Resource Ruin Probabilities and Overshoots for GeneralLvy Insurance Risk Processes Insurance RiskInsurance Risklevy processLvy processRisk Management Tools and Techniquesruin probability
ERM Resource Uniform Asymptotics for the Finite-Time Ruin Probability of a Time-Dependent Risk Model with Pairwise Quasiasymptotically Independent Claims Insurance RiskRisk Management Tools and Techniquesruin probability
ERM Resource 10 Golden Rules of Project Risk Management No categoryProject ManagementProject Risk
ERM Resource Extended risk-analysis model for activities of the project No categoryProject ManagementProject Risk
ERM Resource Implementing Lean Practices: Managing the Transformation Risks leanNo categoryProject ManagementProject Risk
ERM Resource Audit Risk Assessment and Detection of Misstatements in Annual Reports: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria auditAudit RiskNo category