

Risk Appetite Panel Discussion

Risk Appetite Panel Discussion A Working Party of the Society's Enterprise Risk Management Committee has recently published a paper entitled "Constructing a Risk Appetite Framework - an Introduction". This interactive discussion evening will focus on the …
Last updated: 13 Mar 2023

SAI launches Transition Year work experience program

SAI launches Transition Year work experience program Submitted by Catherine McBride on Mon, 19/09/2022 - 13:14 The SAI's Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Committee organised a pilot Transition Year Work Experience program (the “SAI TY program”) with the aim …
Last updated: 01 Jun 2023


MEMBERS ONLY EVENT: PRSA Forum   Guests of members are also welcome to attend.   To access podcast please contact the Society:   PRSA Podcast Presentation MEMBERS ONLY EVENT: PRSA Forum Wed, 08/06/2011 - 15:30 3.30pm - Tea/Coffee 4pm - …
Last updated: 13 Mar 2023

Pillar III under Solvency II

Pillar III under Solvency II To access podcast please contact the Society:   ERM: Non-Life General Insurance Life Assurance Life Reinsurance Non-Life: Regulation Solvency II Solvency II: Non-Life Podcast Presentation Evening Meeting …
Last updated: 13 Mar 2023

Attending virtually: Joint Life & Non-Life HoAF Forum

Attending virtually: Joint Life & Non-Life HoAF Forum The joint Life & Non Life HoAF Forum will be held as a hybrid event on Monday, 3rd October. The meeting will take place in-person Platform X, with the ability to dial into the meeting virtually if you …
Last updated: 22 Sep 2022

Actuarial Data Science Introplication

Actuarial Data Science Introplication Announcement from the EAA organiser: Due to technological progress in connection with Data Science and Digitalization, summarized under the buzzword Big Data, a plethora of opportunities and challenges for the …
Last updated: 26 Sep 2022

SAI President's Address 2022

SAI President's Address 2022 Submitted by Sophie Beradze on Thu, 22/09/2022 - 10:31 The president Declan Lavelle launched the new term at his SAI presidential address in the Alex Hotel on the 21st of September 2022. You can read his presidential speech …
Last updated: 22 Sep 2022

IIPM & SAI Webinar: The Future of Pensions in Ireland

IIPM & SAI Webinar: The Future of Pensions in Ireland This webinar was recorded and ca be re-watched here . Please note: there is a sound issue for the first 29 seconds - the sound kicks in at 0.29. The IIPM and the Society of Actuaries in Ireland are …
Last updated: 12 Oct 2022

How Can Actuaries Tackle Inflation and its Consequences

How Can Actuaries Tackle Inflation and its Consequences Announcement from the EAA organiser: Inflation does not come and does not go on its own It is not that long ago that even ECB-Directors were clearly stating that the heightened inflation rates were …
Last updated: 26 Sep 2022

Deep Learning with a Focus on Text Analysis

Deep Learning with a Focus on Text Analysis Announcement from the EAA organiser: In computational science, deep learning probably is one of the most heralded techniques of present time and recent history, mainly due to its versatility and impressive …
Last updated: 26 Sep 2022

Introduction to Natural Catastrophe Modelling

Introduction to Natural Catastrophe Modelling Announcement from the EAA organiser: Natural Catastrophe Models are a key ingredient for the assessment of Nat Cat risk. Questions like "What losses do we expect from catastrophic events on average?” and "What …
Last updated: 26 Sep 2022