
11 Oct 2012

Report finds fiscal incentives for retirement savings in the Irish pension system are progressive and compare well internationally, but proposed changes could discourage long-term saving

The Society of Actuaries in Ireland is pleased to publish the attached report on “Analysis of Fiscal Incentives for Retirement Savings – models and redistributive effects”. 

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11 Oct 2012

Analysis of Fiscal Incentives for Retirement Savings – models and redistributive effects

Where this information includes links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for general information only. The Society assumes no responsibility for the contents of such third party offerings.

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28 Sep 2012

‘Potentially Dangerous’ to Place Responsibility for Pensions onto Individuals


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27 Sep 2012

Pensions Board revises timeframe for funding proposals

The Pensions Board has revised the timeframe for defined benefit schemes with funding deficits to submit funding proposals to the Board. This follows consideration of representations made to The Pensions Board by a number of parties, including the Society of Actuaries in Ireland.


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14 Aug 2012

SAI Newsletter August 2012

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17 Jul 2012

The Pensions Board publishes FAQs on recent changes to the funding standard

The Pensions Board has published FAQs on recent changes to the funding standard. This document sets out The Pensions Board's responses to certain questions posed on the recent changes, in June 2012, to the funding standard. The Board continues to receive questions on this matter and this document will be updated as necessary. For further information on the funding standard requirements, please check the Statutory Guidance section of our website.

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13 Jul 2012

International Congress of Actuaries – Event Date & Call for papers

Every 4 years, member associations of the IAA organise an International Congress of Actuaries and welcome actuaries from all disciplines and from around the world.  The next Congress will be held in Washington from 30th March – 4th April 2014. The theme of the 2014 Congress is Learn, Interact, Grow.

For further information on the event, see

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07 Jun 2012

Initial Response from Society of Actuaries in Ireland to Pensions Board’s funding rules for defined benefit pension schemes

The Society of Actuaries in Ireland has today issued a Press Release in response to the Pensions Board funding rules for defined benefit pension scheme.

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30 May 2012

Institute and Faculty of Actuaries publishes Longevity Bulletin

The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Longevity Bulletin aims to provide a regular overview of research into longevity trends and a guide to prospects for long life.  It presents and explains actuarial perspectives on population longevity and looks beyond the actuarial world for statistics, research and the latest thinking on related subjects.   Longevity Bulletin is published every six months.  Issue 03 is now available.

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30 May 2012

CMI publishes analysis of SAPS mortality experience

The Continuous Mortality Investigation (CMI) carries out research into mortality and morbidity experience, based on data supplied by UK life assurance companies and actuarial consultancies. 

The CMI has published Working Paper 62, which presents a preliminary analysis of the mortality experience under large self-administered pension schemes for the period 2003 to 2010.

Further information  

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24 May 2012

Fiscal Incentives Research

The Society seeks to make an impartial contribution to public debate on social policy and public interest matters where an actuarial perspective can add value.  In this context, the Society has decided to commission research as set out below.

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