
09 Apr 2013

SAI Newsletter April 2013

The April 2013 issue of the SAI Newsletter is the first of the new year and is in a slightly different format than previous issues.  Rather than filling the newsletter with long reviews of evening meetings, the newsletter team is experimenting with having much shorter summaries. 

This approach means that we will need to draw on other content for the newsletter.  The newsletter team would appreciate receiving submissions and ideas from members for future editions. 

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08 Apr 2013

The European Actuary

The April Issue of The European Actuary is now available here.

It features the following articles;
•    EIOPA calls for transparency to protect consumers.
•    The thorny issue of annuities
•    Mortgages: interesting asset class for pension funds?
•    Social Responsibility
•    Unintended Future Risk
•    What can actuaries add to the debate on environmental issues?

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28 Mar 2013

EIOPA consults on Guidelines on preparing for Solvency II

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has launched a public consultation on Guidelines on preparing for Solvency II.

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25 Mar 2013

European Commission launches Green Paper on the long-term financing of the European economy

The European Commission has adopted a Green Paper that launches a three-month public consultation on how to foster the supply of long-term financing and how to improve and diversify the system of financial intermediation for long-term investment in Europe.

Full details are available here.

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25 Mar 2013

Pension pots to remain ‘largely inadequate’ post auto-enrolment in Britain

Pension contributions after auto-enrolment in Britain are predicted to fall by almost half, according to a survey published by Buck Consultants.

Full details are available here

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22 Mar 2013

OECD publishes report on DC pensions


In its report on "Design and Delivery of Defined Contribution (DC) Pension Schemes - Policy Challenges and Recommendations", the OECD summarises the challenges policymakers face and recommends key improvements that can help to ensure DC delivers the incomes that individuals need.

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22 Mar 2013

EIOPA and the World Bank sign agreement to develop global insurance sector

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) and the World Bank have signed an operational Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to cooperate on developing the insurance sector.

This Memorandum will enable both organizations to collaborate on promoting a risk_based regulatory and supervisory framework in insurance, as well as the identification of systemic risk and the promotion of consumer protection.

More information is available here

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22 Mar 2013

CERA seminar for ST9 candidates

The requirements you need to fulfil for the CERA qualification changed from September 2012.

For those taking the ST9 exam after 1 September 2012, you also need to attend a seminar in order to receive the qualification.

More information is available here

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21 Mar 2013

Not shopping for an annuity could cost British retirees £237m this year

According to Association of British Insurers’ figures 50% of the 400,000 people a year who purchase an annuity do not search the market for the best deal. The consultancy’s analysis of annuity data found that, based on the difference between the average and best annuity rates available on an average £40,000 pension pot, these people would be missing out on income worth over £237m in total over a 22-year retirement.

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21 Mar 2013

Britain ‘not ready for ageing population’

Britain is ‘woefully underprepared’ for the consequences of an ageing society and could face a series of age-related crises, a House of Lords committee has warned.

The committee’s report, “Ready for ageing”, suggests that private sector employers, government and the financial services industry must work together to tackle the ‘serious deficit’ in defined contribution pensions.
It called on the government to work with the financial sector to support the growth of a ‘safe, easy-to-understand equity release market’.

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21 Mar 2013

Changes to the Continuous Mortality Investigation

The CMI, supported by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, has a long history of providing authoritative and independent mortality and sickness rate tables for UK life insurers and pension funds. The CMI tables have underpinned the prudential and financial reporting of almost all these institutions.

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20 Mar 2013

Sitting exams in April 2013?

There are going to be some important changes for the April 2013 exams.

These include:

  • The launch of electronic exam entry permits;
  • A new style exam paper and answer booklet;
  • The need to write in black ballpoint ink only and
  • Scanning of exam answer booklets for marking purposes.

Please make sure you read this important information so as to be aware of the changes and to ensure that your script can be marked.

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