Institute & Faculty of Actuaries publishes Longevity Bulletin

Issue four of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Longevity Bulletin explores the data that evidences that we are all living longer but questions how healthy we are during those extra years.

From Philip Scott, President of the Institute and Faculty:

"In the past longer life was generally driven by better health. However data collected over the last twenty years highlights that life expectancy and healthy life expectancy are not one and the same.

This edition:

·Describes health expectancy, how it is estimated and why it is important;

·Considers time trends in healthy life expectancy for the UK and Europe and whether the extra years of life are healthy ones;

·Shows the size of disparities in healthy life expectancy within Europe and the UK and discusses possible explanations and the implications for future population health; and

·Provides the main sources of information on health expectancy estimates.

I am delighted that this fourth edition of Longevity Bulletin has been guest edited by Professor Carol Jagger, the AXA Chair in Epidemiology of Ageing in the Institute for Ageing and Health at Newcastle University.

You will find the bulletin via this link:

Previous editions of Longevity Bulletin can be accessed on-line at

Published twice a year, the aim of Longevity Bulletin is to provide accessible information on population longevity to a non-technical audience, including researchers, policy makers and anyone with a professional or personal interest in the latest thinking on longevity.

If you would like further information on the subjects raised in the Bulletin or to receive an electronic version of the Bulletin in future, please email:"