Solvency II – Introduction to Pillar One Solvency II – Introduction to Pillar one: This is the first in a three part series of talks giving an overview of the three pillars of Solvency II. This session will focus on the new quantitative requirements …
Solvency II – Introduction to Pillar two This is the second in a three part series of talks giving an overview of the three pillars of Solvency II. This session will focus on the Pillar II requirements around the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA) …
Solvency II – Introduction to Pillar three This is the final part of our series of talks aimed at giving an overview of the three pillars of Solvency II. This session will focus on the new reporting and disclosure requirements under Pillar 3. This …
EIOPA publishes Preparatory Guidelines on Product Oversight and Governance Submitted by TheSecretariat on Thu, 14/04/2016 - 12:58 The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has published Preparatory Guidelines on Product Oversight …
EIOPA recommends to enhance risk assessment and transparency of pension funds Submitted by TheSecretariat on Thu, 14/04/2016 - 14:07 Today the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) published its Opinion on a Common Framework for …
The economic and environment benefits to individuals and to society from investing in forestry To access podcast please contact the Society: Cross-Practice Podcast Presentation CPD Event Tue, 27/09/2016 - 18:30 6.00pm Tea, coffee …
Discussion Event: ASP PA-2 General Actuarial Practice (REPEAT EVENT) Members are invited to attend this event to discuss the themes and application of the proposed ASP PA-2 General Actuarial Practice (see below). This is a two hour interactive session …
SAI Fellowship Ceremony New qualifiers, since the last Fellowship Ceremony, together with their families are invited to this Ceremony. The President, Dervla Tomlin, will present FSAI parchments to the recent qualifiers. Please advise the Society once you …
IFoA Presidential Visit and Banking and Actuaries Cross-Practice Evening Seminar Society of Northern Ireland Actuaries (SoNIA) Wed, 08/06/2016 - 17:30 Registration 17.30 Start 18.00 Networking and drinks 19.30 Close 20.30 Queens University Belfast, …
The Future of the State Pension Submitted by TheSecretariat on Wed, 11/05/2016 - 14:50 ‘The Future of the State Pension’ was the theme of a major conference hosted today by the Society of Actuaries in Ireland. The conference follows the publication last …
Webinar: Big Data Analytics for Actuaries – Capabilities for Sourcing, Storing & Analysis New technologies have changed the analysis of data and opened up new possibilities for obtaining information. The euphoria over these new technologies has led to a …