
6pm - tea/coffee

6.30pm - meeting

Chartered Accountants House

Herd-Like Behaviour - the Psychology of Market Bubbles

Colm will outline a methodology that can be used to assess and manage various forms of risks related to group psychology, e.g. herd-like behaviour, bubbles, etc. He will use the concept of the narrative, draw the distinction between a narrative and an analysis and will use this approach to define what he refers to as 'narrative risk'. He will look back at historical bubbles to point out what we can learn and what we cannot learn from them. The presentation will be of interest to those concerned about risks arising from herd-like behaviour and more specifically risks related to financial market bubbles. Colm is a member of the IFoA Herd-Like Behaviour Working Party.


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Event Type
CPD Event
Colm Fitzgerald FSAI
File attachments
Date Attachment Size
30/11/2016 Slides 1.48 MB Download