

Unisex Premiums

Unisex Premiums Submitted by TheSecretariat on Tue, 06/04/2004 - 00:00 Non-Life Reinsurance Life Reinsurance Life Assurance Healthcare General Insurance Demography Social Policy Briefing Statement Demography Studies Unisex …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016

IMI Event: Advant-edge Session 3: Implementing Organisational Change

IMI Event: Advant-edge Session 3: Implementing Organisational Change Details of the Society’s partnership with the Irish Management Institute (IMI) are available  here. There are a limited number of complimentary tickets available to SAI Fellow members at …
Last updated: 24 Oct 2018

Demystifying Data Science - Part II

Demystifying Data Science - Part II Data science is the study of how to make data-driven decisions. The field has grown rapidly in recent years and many companies are now hiring data scientists and Chief Data Officers. In this follow on presentation to …
Last updated: 13 Mar 2023

Seminar for New Students

Seminar for New Students   SAI Student Members and actuarial students who have not yet joined the Society are welcome to attend. The aim of this seminar is to: Welcome new Students to the profession and to brief them on the role of the Society of …
Last updated: 17 Oct 2018

AAE publishes press release on the PEPP Regulation

AAE publishes press release on the PEPP Regulation Submitted by Catherine McBride on Fri, 31/08/2018 - 09:47 Today the AAE published a press release with respect to the upcoming vote on the PEPP Regulation in the European Parliament on Monday 3 September …
Last updated: 31 Aug 2018

The Life Stages of a PPO

The Life Stages of a PPO The Periodic Payment Order (PPO) Working Party would like to share their views of the life stages of a PPO. Are you ready within your role and is your company ready for a PPO? General Insurance Presentation CPD Event Thu, …
Last updated: 26 Nov 2018

General Insurance Forum

General Insurance Forum This year’s SAI General Insurance Forum takes place on Friday 30th November.  The agenda is now available below.   Please note that there is a charge of €60 for attendance at this event, in line with the Society’s policy …
Last updated: 13 Mar 2023

IMI Masterclass 1: Exponential Organisations (Cork)

IMI Masterclass 1: Exponential Organisations (Cork) Details of the Society’s partnership with the Irish Management Institute (IMI) are available  here. In order to guarantee places at this event, the Society needs to advise the IMI as soon as possible on …
Last updated: 03 Jan 2019

IMI Masterclass 1: Exponential Organisations (Dublin)

IMI Masterclass 1: Exponential Organisations (Dublin) Details of the Society’s partnership with the Irish Management Institute (IMI) are available  here. In order to guarantee places at this event, the Society needs to advise the IMI as soon as possible …
Last updated: 14 Jan 2019