24 Feb 2020

With-profits WG Event

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19 Feb 2020

actuview News (June 2020)

Actuview is the first international streaming platform for actuarial media. Attached below are news items pertaining to actuview for the months February, March, April, May and June 2020.


Now published by the SAI on actuview:

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17 Feb 2020

SAI Prize for Creative Use of Actuarial Skills 2020 - Registration of interest


Prize for the Creative Use of Actuarial Skills


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06 Feb 2020

actuview - The actuarial streaming platform

The Society of Actuaries in Ireland is very pleased to invite members to the first streaming platform for actuaries – actuview!

Developed by the German Association of Actuaries and partners from the actuarial community, actuview is the first international streaming platform for actuarial media. It is regularly updated with digital content for the actuarial community – either broadcast live from international actuarial events, provided as recorded sessions from actuview partners or produced as webcasts by individual experts.

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28 Jan 2020

Webinar: A Deeper Dive on IFRS 17

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28 Jan 2020

Solvency II 2020 Review

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