29 Sep 2020

SAI Review of Best Estimate Mortality Projection Methods 2020

The Demography Committee of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland is pleased to present the results of the analytical review of methodologies in projecting best estimate mortality improvements for the Irish population. 

This paper summarises the analytical review performed by the Demography Committee in respect of a range of potential mortality improvement models in the context of best estimate, mortality improvement projections


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24 Sep 2020

IFRS 17 Panel discussion webinar

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21 Sep 2020

Pricing Seminar Part 1

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21 Sep 2020

Pricing Seminar Part 2

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16 Sep 2020

The First ‘Real’ Test of IFRS 9 - The Economic Fallout from the COVID-19 Pandemic



'The First ‘Real’ Test of IFRS 9 - The Economic Fallout from the COVID-19 Pandemic'


John Caslin FSAI

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01 Sep 2020

Consultation Document on Setting the Discount Rate

The Society has submitted a response to the Consultation Document on Setting the Discount Rate issued by the Department of Justice and Equality in June 2020.

Click here to read the submission. 

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16 Aug 2020

Graduation Programme Course 2 Part B

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