29 Oct 2020

Grainne McGuire webinar

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26 Oct 2020

Response to CBI Consultation on Regulations for pre-emptive recovery planning for (re)insurers (CP131)

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09 Oct 2020

Calibrating the CMI Model for Ireland

The Demography Committee of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland (SAI) has co-written a paper with the Continuous Mortality Investigation (CMI) of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA). Working paper 141 explores ways of adapting the CMI Mortality Projection Model for Irish population data, areas to consider when doing so and the likely challenges of such work. The paper also considers the potential impact on life expectancy of adapting the Model to use Irish population data.

The paper considers two approaches:

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08 Oct 2020

Life HoAF Forum webinar

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01 Oct 2020

'Wider Fields Webinar

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01 Oct 2020

Christmas - Office Closed

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01 Oct 2020

Pre-recording session

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29 Sep 2020

Report on the 2020 SAPS Pensioner Mortality Study

The Demography Committee of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland is pleased to present the results of a study into the pensioner mortality experience of Irish self-administered pension schemes (SAPS). The last such study was commissioned in 2012.

Click here to read the study 


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