

COVID-19 Action Group

COVID-19 Action Group Introduction to CAG: At its April meeting, Council decided to establish a COVID-19 Action Group (“CAG”), with the proposed objectives of: Collating and sharing with members relevant information on the implications of COVID-19 with a …
Last updated: 12 Mar 2024

Ireland’s Offshore Oil and Gas Industry

Ireland’s Offshore Oil and Gas Industry If you were asked how big Ireland is, before reaching for Wikipedia you would probably respond with some variant on “Do you mean the island or the country?”. But this not the most impactful question. You should ask …
Last updated: 13 Mar 2024

Webinar: Inspire Inclusion

Webinar: Inspire Inclusion A recording of this webinar can be found on: actuview YouTube Join us for a panel event to celebrate International Women’s Day, 2024. Panellists will be discussing the importance of inclusion, sharing their past experiences and …
Last updated: 15 Mar 2024

Financial and Economic Assumptions

Financial and Economic Assumptions The Terms of Reference of the Finance & Investment Committee state, inter alia, that: “The Committee shall annually review the base financial & economic assumptions for use by Practice Committees in setting assumptions …
Last updated: 25 Mar 2024

Benefits of IMI Membership

Benefits of IMI Membership What are the benefits of our IMI Membership? The SAI is a corporate member of the Irish Management Institute.  That means that all our members can avail of a range of benefits from the IMI, including:   Cross-Practice Image …
Last updated: 27 Mar 2024

Webinar: Property Market Update and Outlook

Webinar: Property Market Update and Outlook This webinar is available to watch on: actuview Mike Barnes and Natasha Browne Ring from Savills Research will provide an update and outlook on Irish and European commercial property markets, discussing some of …
Last updated: 02 Apr 2024

Webinar: Auto-Enrolment: Actuarial Learning Three Years On

Webinar: Auto-Enrolment: Actuarial Learning Three Years On This webinar is available to watch on: actuview YouTube   In January 2021, the Society discussed a paper “ A New Approach to Auto-Enrolment. Higher pensions for half the cost ” by Colm Fagan. The …
Last updated: 11 Apr 2024

Mini-Masterclass: The Art of Strategic Thinking with Kriti Jain

Mini-Masterclass: The Art of Strategic Thinking with Kriti Jain Announcement from the IMI organiser: Leaders often find themselves dealing with short-term goals and not having the time to reflect on strategic priorities. In our next virtual Mini …
Last updated: 13 May 2024

Artificial Intelligence (A.I) - Materials

Artificial Intelligence (A.I) - Materials The lifelong learning committee has provided the following internal and external resources on artificial intelligence. The aim is to assist members in gaining background knowledge on these topics and to summaries …
Last updated: 15 May 2024

Partnered Resources

Partnered Resources The Society has also carefully selected partners to provide additional opportunities for learning and development for its members. These include actuview - the first streaming platform for actuaries | Society of Actuaries in Ireland …
Last updated: 15 May 2024