
Start 1:30pm

Finish 7:00pm

UCD, Moore Auditorium, Science Building

BAFS 25th Anniversary & Actuarial Education & Research Network (AERN) Lecture Series


All members of the Society are invited as guests to this event. 

If members wish to attend, please email Rhona Preston at UCD:

1:30 for 1:45 - Welcome and introduction to the AERN Actuarial Lecture Series

 2:00 - First lecture - Prof. Elena Kulinskaya "Use of Big Health and Actuarial Data for Modelling Longevity"

 Prof. Elena Kulinskaya is the Aviva Chair of Statistics in the University of East Anglia. She has recently won Stg£1m of research funding from the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries to conduct their first significant research in the area of data analytics. Elena will discuss the research project which should be of considerable interest to those curious to see what actuaries can do in the area of data analytics.  

3:00 - Second lecture - Prof. Ray Bates “An education lecture for actuaries involved in estimating climate risk"

 Prof. Ray Bates, from UCD's Meteorology & Climate Centre, is one of Ireland's leading and most experienced researchers in the area of meteorology and climate change. Ray is a member of the Royal Irish Academy. He was formerly an IPCC expert reviewer, a NASA scientist and Assistant Director of Met Eireann  Ray is neither a 'climate denier' nor an 'end-of-the-worlder'. He will set out some recent results in the area of climate change research that actuaries may be able to use in making quantitative assessments regarding climate risk.

4:00 - 4:30 - coffee break

4:30 - Third lecture - Andrew Smith "Bootstrapping the Yield Curve - for Solvency II and beyond"

Andrew Smith is a partner with Deloitte and is one of the most famous actuaries in the world. Andrew will give a master class on bootstrapping the yield curve in his usual enthusiastic, energetic and engaging style. The bootstrapping formulae in Solvency II originated from work done by Andrew. 

 5:30 - Marking the 25th anniversary of the BAFS course - with Prof. Phil Boland. Prof Boland will look back on 25 years of the UCD BAFS course and amongst other things he has tracked down the students from the 1st year of the course to see how they have progressed following their BAFS degree in UCD.

6:00 - Wine and pizza reception for all attending

 All members of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland are welcome to come along to the event and UCD would particularly like to welcome back it's BAFS graduates.

 The organisers would like to thank the SAI for their support and funding to make the event possible. 


Cost (members)
There is no charge for SAI members to attend this event. Please email Rhona Preston at ( if you wish to accept UCD's invitation.
Event Type
Andrew Smith, Prof Elena Kulinskaya, Prof Ray Bates
University College Dublin