19 Oct 2016

AAE and IAA in Joint Discussion Forum with ILO and ISSA in Geneva

For the last 6 years, the Actuarial Association of Europe (AAE) and the International Actuarial Association (IAA) have organized a discussion forum together with two important international bodies - the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the International Social Security Association (ISSA). The purpose of this forum is to exchange views on current projects and issues, and to seek further areas of collaboration - all to help improve the soundness of decisions being made on societal issues having a global impact.

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12 Oct 2016

Pensions Authority publishes final two codes in the series of Codes of Governance for Defined Contribution (DC) Schemes

The Pensions Authority has today published the final two codes in the series of Codes of Governance for Defined Contribution (DC) Schemes.
The codes of governance set out the standards that trustees will be expected to adopt to demonstrate their commitment to serving the best interests of members and beneficiaries.

The latest codes relate to:

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06 Oct 2016

The Actuarial Association of Europe issues The European Actuary (October 2016)

The Actuarial Association of Europe has issued a new edition of 'The European Actuary' magazine.

Click here to read the latest edition.

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19 Sep 2016

Seminar for New Students

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19 Sep 2016

Packaged retail investment products: European Parliament returns draft law to Commission

Draft legislation designed to protect retail investors was rejected by MEPs on Wednesday as so “flawed and misleading” that it could actually lose them money. Unusually, it will be returned to the EU Commission for revision.

MEPs passed a resolution calling for changes .to legislation on “packaged retail and insurance-based investment products” (PRIIPs) -- a market worth up to €10 trillion in Europe - by 602 votes to 4, with 12 abstentions.

Retail investors typically use PRIIPs to generate funds to pay a mortgage or for their children’s education.

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14 Sep 2016

SAI presents to the Oireachtas Committee on the rising costs of motor insurance

The Society of Actuaries in Ireland has told the ‘Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure & Reform, and Taoiseach’ that evidence-based research is vital to underpin informed policy-making on the costs of motor insurance. 

The full Press Release, including speaking notes, is available here.

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06 Sep 2016

European Parliament’s ECON Committee reject PRIIPs RTS

Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Committee rejected as “misleading” and flawed, proposals aimed at providing greater protection to consumers buying packaged financial products, and unanimously voted to send the proposals back to the European Commission.

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19 Jul 2016

Pensions Authority Publishes Proposals for Pension Reform

The Pensions Authority has issued a consultation document which sets out a package of proposals to reform and simplify supplementary private pension provision in Ireland.

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