
25 Jan 2016

IAA Releases Paper on Actuarial Aspects of ERM for Insurance Companies

The International Actuarial Association (IAA) has announced the publication of a paper on Actuarial Aspects of ERM for Insurance Companies by the Enterprise and Financial Risk Committee (EFRC).

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08 Dec 2015

OECD publishes Pensions at a Glance 2015

The OECD has published Pensions at a Glance 2015. The paper highlights the pension reforms undertaken by OECD and G20 countries over the last two years. It provides an in depth review of the first layer of protection of the elderly, first-tier pension schemes across countries and assesses the impact of short or interrupted careers, due to late entry into employment, childcare or unemployment, on pension entitlements. The paper also analyses the sensitivity of long-term pension replacement rates to parametric changes.

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29 Sep 2015

Actuarial Association of Europe (AAE) appoints Philip Shier as new Chairperson

The Actuarial Association of Europe (AAE) has appointed Philip Shier as its new Chairperson.

Philip Shier is a member of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland and a Past President of the Society.  The Society congratulates Philip on his appointment.

AAE Press Release is here.



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08 Sep 2015

EIOPA launches selection procedure for its Stakeholder Group members

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authorities (EIOPA) has launched the Call for Expression of Interest regarding the setting up of EIOPA Stakeholder Groups, the Insurance and Reinsurance Stakeholder Group (IRSG) and the Occupational Pensions Stakeholder Group (OPSG), following the expiration of their mandates early next year.

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21 Jul 2015

EIOPA highlights measures to facilitate the transfer of pension rights

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has published a Good Practices Report on transferability of supplementary pension rights. With this Report, EIOPA identifies the main impediments to cross-border and national transfers as well as a number of good practices to overcome these. This would create more transparency in the interest of consumers and facilitate the internal market for supplementary pension rights.

EIOPA outlines three key areas which – if addressed – could significantly facilitate the transferability of supplementary pension rights:

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21 Jul 2015

EIOPA calls for high quality public disclosure under Solvency II

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has published a Note entitled “Need for high quality public disclosure: Solvency II’s report on solvency and financial condition and the potential role of external audit”. The purpose of this Note is to stress the importance of high quality public information and the relevant use of external audit services in relation to Solvency II public disclosures.

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07 Jul 2015

EIOPA publishes Set 2 of Solvency II Technical Standards and Guidelines

EIOPA has published the second set of draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) and Guidelines for Solvency II. The set covers different areas from all three Solvency II pillars (quantitative basis; qualitative requirements; reporting and disclosure).  The ITS and Guidelines were finalised following the public consultation earlier this year, during which EIOPA received over 4500 comments.

With this publication EIOPA takes a further step towards ensuring the timely implementation of Solvency II.

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03 Jul 2015

International Actuarial Association (IAA) Mortality Working Group Update

The Mortality Working Group (MWG) exists to study mortality and monitor studies completed by other organizations worldwide, to make this information available to actuaries and others worldwide, and to contribute to and organize other opportunities for communication where appropriate.

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20 May 2015

AAE publishes paper on the application of market consistency to pension funds in Europe

The Actuarial Association of Europe (“AAE”) has today published its discussion paper “Clarity before Solvency” on the application of market consistency to pension funds in Europe.

The purpose of this paper is to discuss from an independent, actuarial, point of view:

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13 Mar 2015

AAE publishes survey on Decumulation of Retirement Benefits

The AAE has carried out a survey amongst its Member Associations on the methods by which an individual can access his/her entitlement to retirement benefits. 16 AAE member organisations contributed to the survey.

The survey serves two purposes. One being to inform the European Commission’s Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion about the decumulation landscape in the EU and the other being to provide a directional steer on best practice and main common challenges within the various markets for retirement benefits.

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13 Mar 2015

AAE publishes “Report on key issues for setting up national pension tracking services in six EU countries”.

The Actuarial Association of Europe (“AAE”) has published a “Report on key issues for setting up national pension tracking services in six EU countries”.

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05 Feb 2015

Society commissions research on sustainability of State Pension

The Society has decided to commission an analysis of the financial sustainability of the State Pension in Ireland.  In particular, the research will focus on the key levers (and associated parameters) that could be flexed when considering the sustainability of the State Pension. 

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