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Date Sort ascending Event Title Podcast Speakers/Presenters
20 May 2010 SAI Annual Convention - Life Forum
20 May 2010 SAI Convention Plenary Session - Proposed Code of Conduct Paul O'Faherty
13 May 2010 ERM: Concepts and Framework Paul Duffy
05 May 2010 Approaching Benefit Reduction Proposals Aidan Kennedy and David Main
26 Apr 2010 PRSA Forum Brendan Kennedy, Jim Murphy, Robert Wolfe,
22 Apr 2010 A Bright Future for the Enterprising Actuary Ronnie Bowie, President, Faculty of Actuaries
29 Mar 2010 Report from the Life Assurance Valuation Regulations Working Party Members of the Working Party, chaired by Peter Gough
24 Mar 2010 Members only event: Discussion Forum on ASP Pen-13 Conflicts of Interests - Pensions Actuaries Paul O'Faherty and Keith Burns
22 Mar 2010 Members only event: Life Reinsurance Forum Members of the Life Reinsurance Committee, chaired by Mike Frazer
22 Mar 2010 Members only event: Life Reinsurance Forum Part 5 Solvency II Members of the Life Reinsurance Committee, chaired by Mike Frazer