
6pm - Tea/Coffee

6.30pm - Meeting begins.

Chartered Accountants House

The New Retirement Saver

Pensions and life insurance actuaries have collaborated to discuss and debate what the future retirement savers will want and need in terms of life insurance products.  This is particularly topical given the imminent introduction of (quasi-) mandatory pension provision.

The New Retirement Saver

As DB schemes continue to close to future accrual and with mandatory retirement saving on the horizon, there will be a significant increase in the number of people holding DC account balances at the point of retirement. Who are these new retirement savers? What is their likely retirement pot and how are they likely to spend it? 

This event has been organised by a sub-group of the “Retirement Actuary of the Future” working party and will:

- categorise the different types of future retirees in a mandatory retirement saving world;

- explore the retirement account balances most likely for each category of retiree;

- discuss what the retirees are likely to want and need at and post retirement;

- consider the Life products that might therefore be desired by these future retirees; and

- debate whether the Life products highlighted are viable from a profitability point of view as well as considering any impediments that might exist to their roll-out in Ireland.

The presentations will also consider the current scale of State benefits provided to retirees and the impact this might have on retirement decisions.


To access podcast please contact the Society: 

Cost (members)
Cost (non-members)
Event Type
CPD Event
Brian Fitzgerald FSAI, Peter Burke FSAI , Eoin Kennedy FSAI
File attachments
Date Attachment Size
30/11/2016 Slides 2.04 MB Download
30/11/2016 LIA Accreditation number 14.67 KB Download