
3.30pm - tea/coffee

4.00pm - meeting

6.00pm - finish

Chartered Accountants House, Pearse Street

Demography Forum - SAI MEMBERS ONLY

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The Agenda will include:

  • Update from the Demography Committee – Mary Hall.
  • Update on the work of the CMI - Joan Coverson, Chairman of the CMI income Protection Committee and a member of the Executive Committee.
  • "The Age of Uncertainty - What do we know about growing old?" – Prof. Carol Jagger.
  • Results of Insured Life and Annuitant Mortality Aggregated Data Study 2008 to 2013 – David Bradfield.


Members Only Event
You must be a member of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland to attend this event.
Event Type
CPD Event
Mary Hall FSAI, Joan Coverson, Prof Carol Jagger, David Bradfield FSAI