SAI Transition Year work experience program 2022/23


The SAI's Diversity, Equity, Accessibility & Inclusion (DEAI) Committee organised a pilot Transition Year Work Experience program (the “SAI TY program”) with the aim of introducing the actuarial profession to students from diverse backgrounds. The aim of the program is to reach students who would not normally have access to this type of experience. 

The SAI TY program is an interactive 4-day program for transition year students run by Susan HayesCulleton of The Positive Economist and Savvy Teen Academy, in collaboration with volunteers from the DEAI Committee and sponsoring employers.

The program can accommodate up to 30 transition year students each and includes a mix of practical assignments linked to the actuarial profession and conversations / round tables / presentations from actuaries at various stages in their career and from various backgrounds. 


The pilot program took place during the weeks of 10th October and 27th February of the 2022/2023 academic school term. The programs were facilitated online via Zoom over 4 consecutive days.


For Students / Schools

If you have an aptitude for Maths and are interested in a career in this area, have ambitions to succeed in a profession that is full of diversity and impact but would like to try out lots of different things first, this Transition Year Work Experience is right up your street.

During this four-day experience, you will develop a range of technical and soft skills, get a genuine insight into the breadth of opportunity offered by the actuarial profession, delve into the social impact of the profession and meet people who have years of experience in the industry.

There will be lots of both individual and group work. You will have the opportunity to meet lots of people who work as actuaries within the insurance industry as well as those who have used their skills and expertise as a springboard into new areas.

Registration for future events will be posted online in the 2023/24 academic year. Or for more information see:


For Employers

We are looking for sponsoring employers to fund the costs of Savvy Teen Academy's work on the Transition Year Program. We are also looking for employees from sponsoring employers to join a working group to help design and develop content for the program and deliver some sessions. Volunteers can include actuaries from various levels including qualified actuaries, part qualified and students. 

If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us at

*Update:  all sponsorship slots for the 2022/2023 pilot program were filled, however there may be more sponsorship opportunities at future events *