

IMI Masterclass: The Future Leader

IMI Masterclass: The Future Leader Announcements from the Irish Management Institute organiser: How do you lead in a rapidly changing world where it’s clear that what worked in the past won’t work in the future? Join us at the first IMI Masterclass of …
Last updated: 26 Jan 2021

Webinar: CP131: Recovery and Resolution Planning

Webinar: CP131: Recovery and Resolution Planning The recording of this webinar is now available on  YouTube  and is also available now on  actuview . Update from the CP131 working party and the CBI To register for this event, please proceed with  'Make a …
Last updated: 21 Jun 2021

Data Science Competition – Insurance pricing and Loss prediction

Data Science Competition – Insurance pricing and Loss prediction Compete against others in a global data science competition in either or both of a motor insurance market simulation or a worker compensation claim prediction. See …
Last updated: 13 Jan 2021

Machine Learning in Finance and Insurance

Machine Learning in Finance and Insurance Announcement from the European Actuarial Academy organiser: Artificial intelligence is currently on everybody’s lips and seems to be vital for industry to be successful at the market. Researchers and practitioners …
Last updated: 13 Jan 2021

Stochastic Modeling of Mortality with Special Focus on Pandemic Risk

Stochastic Modeling of Mortality with Special Focus on Pandemic Risk Announcement from the European Actuarial Academy organiser: For nearly ten years, the EAA has offered a seminar, entitled “Stochastic Modelling – Theory and Reality from an Actuarial …
Last updated: 13 Jan 2021

An Introduction to Economic Scenario Generators & their Validation

An Introduction to Economic Scenario Generators & their Validation Announcement from the European Actuarial Academy organiser: The Economic Scenario Generators are at the core of stochastic models used by insurance companies. The applications of …
Last updated: 13 Jan 2021

Understanding IFRS 17

Understanding IFRS 17 Announcements from the European Actuarial Academy:  In 2017, after more than two decades of debates, outreach and Exposure Drafts, the IASB finally published the new IFRS 17 standard for Insurance Contracts. Following an additional …
Last updated: 13 Jan 2021

Predictive Modeling for Life & Health Insurance

Predictive Modeling for Life & Health Insurance Announcements from the European Actuarial Academy:  In recent years, predictive modelling has changed important aspects of actuarial practice.  Predictive modelling enhances traditional actuarial models with …
Last updated: 13 Jan 2021

SAI Life Forum 2021 - Call for Speakers

SAI Life Forum 2021 - Call for Speakers Call for Speakers for SAI Life Forum 2021 The SAI Life Committee is currently in the planning stages for the 2021 Life Forum and is inviting expressions of interest from members who would like to deliver a session …
Last updated: 19 Jan 2021

Webinar: Proposals for a Revised CPD Scheme

Webinar: Proposals for a Revised CPD Scheme A Society Working Group has been engaged on considering how the Society’s CPD Scheme should operate in future. Having presented to Council, the Working Group is now presenting its conclusions and recommendations …
Last updated: 12 Feb 2021

Excess Mortality Blog #7

Excess Mortality Blog #7 In this post we present the results of our December 2020 analysis and reflect on the final month of a year that few are likely to forget.  Early December saw the easing of restrictions after a six-week period of lockdown, with a …
Last updated: 27 Jan 2021