

Climate Science: A Summary for Actuaries

Climate Science: A Summary for Actuaries Announcement from the IAA organiser: This 90 minute webinar will present the findings in the recently released paper "Climate Science: A Summary for Actuaries". The Summary, based on the IPCC Working Group I Sixth …
Last updated: 08 Apr 2022

International Pension Transfers

International Pension Transfers Announcement from the IIPM organiser: We are delighted to welcome: Eoin Hassett, Business Development Manager, Independent Trustee Company Limited Attendees may claim 1 hr CPD in Pensions. Accreditation from other …
Last updated: 25 Mar 2022

Climate Day 3.0: Actuaries & Climate Scientists Join Forces

Climate Day 3.0: Actuaries & Climate Scientists Join Forces Announcement from the EAA organiser: The debate on climate change has rapidly evolved in recent years. It is no longer on whether the evidence of human impact on climate change is real, but on …
Last updated: 23 Mar 2022

SAI Life Forum 2022

SAI Life Forum 2022 We are pleased to announce that the SAI Life Forum 2022 will be held in the afternoon of Tuesday 17th May 2022 , virtually. The forum commences at 2.00pm and concludes at 5.30pm.   The majority of presentations will be pre-recorded and …
Last updated: 21 Dec 2022

4th European Congress of Actuaries 2022

4th European Congress of Actuaries 2022 Announcement from the AAE organiser: On 2nd and 3rd June 2022, the Actuarial Association of Europe (AAE) will hold the 4th European Congress of Actuaries (ECA 2022) in Madrid, Spain. In total, more than 250 experts …
Last updated: 01 Apr 2022

Webinar: Ukraine War: Upending Global Oil Markets

Webinar: Ukraine War: Upending Global Oil Markets PLEASE NOTE: This webinar is not being recorded, therefore it will not be available on actuview or YouTube post event. The Finance and Investment Committee are pleased to host a very topical CPD event on …
Last updated: 11 Apr 2022

IFRS 17: The Premium Allocation Approach

IFRS 17: The Premium Allocation Approach Announcement from the EAA organiser: In 2017, the IASB issued the new comprehensive insurance accounting standard IFRS 17, amendments followed in 2020. In addition to its general model, IFRS 17 introduces a …
Last updated: 01 Apr 2022