

Current Topics Paper

Current Topics Paper The Current Topics paper is produced by newly qualified Actuaries and provides a detailed summary of recent developments from each of the four main practice areas of Life, Finance & Investments, Pensions and General Insurance. It is …
Last updated: 13 Mar 2023

SAI 40th Anniversary Dinner

SAI 40th Anniversary Dinner All Fellows and Associates of the Society are invited to attend the 40th anniversary dinner.  It is a black tie event. Online reservations are now closed for this event.  If you wish to attend and have not booked, please …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016

Introduction to the Actuarial Profession

Introduction to the Actuarial Profession The aim of this seminar is to: Welcome new Students to the Society and to brief them on the role of the Society.  Update Students on The Actuarial Profession, covering study and the exams.  Dr. Trevor Watkins, …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016

SAI Student Society Summer BBQ

SAI Student Society Summer BBQ With two delicious deluxe BBQ mains each, as well as a variety of sides and drinks vouchers, you will be skewer to have a grilliant time at this event! The evening is kindly being run in conjunction with the Society of …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016

International Congress of Actuaries – Event Date & Call for papers

International Congress of Actuaries – Event Date & Call for papers Submitted by TheSecretariat on Fri, 13/07/2012 - 15:27 Every 4 years, member associations of the IAA organise an International Congress of Actuaries and welcome actuaries from all …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016

Fellowship Ceremony

Fellowship Ceremony Cross-Practice Fellowship Ceremony Thu, 11/10/2012 - 17:30 5.30pm - Tea/coffee available  6.00pm - Presentation of FSAI Parchments 6.30pm - Reception Royal College of Physicians, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 Hosted by the President Paul …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016

SAI Newsletter August 2012

SAI Newsletter August 2012 Submitted by TheSecretariat on Tue, 14/08/2012 - 09:43 Cross-Practice Newsletter Newsletter August 2012 …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016

SAI to establish a "Wider Fields" Member Interest Group

SAI to establish a "Wider Fields" Member Interest Group Submitted by TheSecretariat on Mon, 24/09/2012 - 11:27 The Society of Actuaries in Ireland has decided to establish a "Wider Fields" Member Interest Group.   This will be similar to the UK Actuarial …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016

SAI Newsletter - May 2014

SAI Newsletter - May 2014 Submitted by TheSecretariat on Thu, 22/05/2014 - 15:07 Attached below is the May 2014 Newsletter.  Included in this edition are articles on: SAI Fellowhsip Ceremony February 2014 SAI Graduation Programme March 2014 Update on …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016