

Solvency II Calibration Paper

Solvency II Calibration Paper Submitted by TheSecretariat on Fri, 16/04/2010 - 11:24 CEIOPS   has published a paper titled “ Solvency II Calibration Paper ”.  The paper provides background information to the technical analysis carried out by CEIOPS for …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016

Solvency II: European Commission consults on QIS5

Solvency II: European Commission consults on QIS5 Submitted by TheSecretariat on Fri, 16/04/2010 - 11:30 Solvency II:  European Commission consults on QIS5 The European Commission has published for consultation draft technical specifications for the fifth …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016

A Deeper Dive on IFRS 17: VFA and PAA

A Deeper Dive on IFRS 17: VFA and PAA This presentation is the third in a series of IFRS 17 talks prepared jointly by the SAI life and non-life IFRS17 working groups. It is suitable for both life and non-life members.   To access podcasts please contact …
Last updated: 13 Mar 2023

CEA presses for further work on Solvency II implementing measures

CEA presses for further work on Solvency II implementing measures Submitted by TheSecretariat on Mon, 10/05/2010 - 10:27 The CEA , the European insurance and reinsurance federation, has called for more work to be done on the Solvency II implementing …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016

Risk and Reality – decision making in an uncertain world

Risk and Reality – decision making in an uncertain world John Kay made a presentation on this topic at the Actuarial Profession’s Risk and Investment Conference in June 2010.   To access podcast please contact the Society:     Finance & …
Last updated: 13 Mar 2023

Solvency II - QIS 5 Workshops

Solvency II - QIS 5 Workshops The Society of Actuaries in Ireland and the Financial Regulator are organising a series of workshops on QIS 5 (Quantitative Impact Study 5).  The workshops will be led by members of the Financial Regulator and will provide an …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016

Solvency II - QIS 5 Workshops

Solvency II - QIS 5 Workshops Submitted by TheSecretariat on Tue, 10/08/2010 - 09:41 Solvency II – QIS 5 Workshops The Society of Actuaries in Ireland and the Financial Regulator are currently organising a series of workshops in September on QIS 5 …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016