

Risk Measurement - Is VAR the right measure?

Risk Measurement - Is VAR the right measure? In this presentation Deirdre and Padraic examine various different risk measures, discussing their relative strengths and weaknesses and their use in regulatory systems. There is a particular focus on VAR given …
Last updated: 13 Mar 2023

IAA Releases Note on Internal Models

IAA Releases Note on Internal Models Submitted by TheSecretariat on Thu, 25/11/2010 - 12:22 IAA News Release: The International Actuarial Association is pleased to announce the completion of the paper Note on the Use of Internal Models for Risk and …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016

Life Committee Newsletter - August 2022

Life Committee Newsletter - August 2022 Submitted by Sheila Normanly on Tue, 09/08/2022 - 13:11 Life Assurance Life Reinsurance Committee Update Life NewsletterAugust …
Last updated: 09 Aug 2022

Submission to IVASS Discussion Document No. 1

Submission to IVASS Discussion Document No. 1 Submitted by Sheila Normanly on Wed, 01/06/2022 - 14:04 Life Assurance Submission Submission to IVASS Discussion Document No. …
Last updated: 12 Aug 2022

Submission to IVASS Consultation Document No. 3

Submission to IVASS Consultation Document No. 3 Submitted by Sheila Normanly on Wed, 01/06/2022 - 14:09 Life Assurance Submission Submission to IVASS Consultation Document No. …
Last updated: 12 Aug 2022

Webinar: Health in a Changing Climate

Webinar: Health in a Changing Climate Recording now available on  YouTube  & Actuview .    This webinar will be held over zoom.  Click here  to read the User Guide for Zoom webinars/meetings. This presentation will give a brief overview of climate change …
Last updated: 21 Nov 2022

CPD Event

CPD Event Submitted by Sheila Normanly on Fri, 04/11/2022 - 17:00 Where this information includes links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for general information only. The Society assumes no responsibility …
Last updated: 19 Apr 2023

SAI Annual Convention - Life Forum

SAI Annual Convention - Life Forum To access podcast please contact the Society:   Life Assurance Life Reinsurance Podcast Presentation SAI Annual Convention Fri, 27/05/2011 - 08:00 Live Dermot Corry, Tony Jeffery, Dervla Tomlin, Eamonn …
Last updated: 13 Mar 2023

Society issues press release on Gender Directive ruling

Society issues press release on Gender Directive ruling Submitted by TheSecretariat on Tue, 01/03/2011 - 14:12 The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has today ruled that Article 5(2) of the Gender Directive 2004/113/EC breaches European Union gender …
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016