
Start time: 12.30 pm

End time: 1.30 pm


Webinar: Life Re Forum Innovation Series: Life insurance pricing - the next frontier of innovation

The recording of the webinar can be found on:


Life insurance pricing has traditionally been an actuarial function viewed through the lenses of risk and valuation.  Over the last few years the function has evolved to be more responsive to the market including greater use of data, data analytics and automation.  However when compared to other industries (e.g. P&C insurance, airlines etc.) there remains substantial opportunity for innovation in life insurance pricing to be more dynamic, intelligent and targeted.


NB: As a security measure, there is a two-step registration process before you receive the link to join any webinar.  The first step is to register your interest in attending a webinar by making a reservation for an event via the Society’s website.  You will receive a link to then register via the Zoom platform.  It is after this second registration step that you will receive the link to join the webinar.


  • How life insurance pricing has evolved
  • The opportunities for further innovation and value creation
  • Challenges and complexities the industry will need to face into
  • What the future of life insurance pricing might look like


Biographical details

Shelley is the Chief Customer Officer at Montoux, a provider of Decision Science solutions (including advanced pricing capability) to life insurers.  Her key areas of focus are leading Montoux's Customer Success organisation as well as being accountable for growth in the UK/European market.  Prior to joining Montoux, Shelley worked for AMP in a number of leadership roles including Head of Adviser Distribution and Head of Retention.

Stephen is a qualified actuary with extensive experience in delivering solutions to life insurers and now leads the development of Montoux’s Decision Science platform for the European life insurance market. He has previously worked at Deloitte, Barrie & Hibbert and Moody's Analytics where he managed a portfolio of market leading risk management and quantitative modelling products.

This webinar will be chaired by Thomas Moran, a member of the Society’s Life Reinsurance & Innovation Committee. Thomas is the Capital Actuary for New Ireland Assurance and has been a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland since 2010.

Event Type
Web Session
Shelley Cox, Montoux and Stephen Carlin, Montoux
File attachments
Date Attachment Size
29/03/2021 SAI User Guide for Zoom webinars - Participants.pdf 142.96 KB Download
15/04/2021 LIA CODE 149.21 KB Download
21/04/2021 SLIDES 1.42 MB Download
18/10/2021 IOB CODE 26.58 KB Download