
05 Mar 2014

Global Capital Standards: laying down the future for global insurance supervision

Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman of EIOPA, delivered the keynote speech at the  Seminar of the Actuarial Association of Europe on the need for an integrated network of supervisory authorities, close cooperation between supervisors and consistent supervisory practices.

The full text of this speech is available at….

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21 Feb 2014

EIOPA issues Report on single market for personal pensions

At the request of the European Commission, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has issued a Report on the prudential regulations and consumer protection measures needed to create a single market for personal pensions.

EIOPA’s analysis has revealed that taxation, social law and difficulties in the area of harmonisation of contract law appear to be the most significant hurdles.

EIOPA has identified two main options for creating the single market for personal pensions.

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11 Feb 2014

The Pensions Board Publishes DC Consultation Synopsis Paper

The Pensions Board has published a synopsis of the main points made in submissions it received in response to its consultation paper on the future structure and regulation of defined contribution (DC) pensions.  The Board received 44 written submissions in total of which 6 were from individuals and 38 were from organisations/schemes.

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10 Feb 2014

Actuaries propose mandatory private pension regime from 2019

The Society of Actuaries in Ireland is recommending to Government that a mandatory pension system should be developed over the next 5 years for all workers as the best way of increasing private pensions coverage and improving the adequacy of pensions for individuals in Ireland. 

The Society’s position paper is available here.


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31 Jan 2014

EIOPA sets up the timeline for the delivery of Solvency II Implementing Technical Standards and Guidelines

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has set up the timeline for the delivery of the Solvency II Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) and Guidelines.

The overall goal of the project is to deliver the regulatory and supervisory framework for the technical implementation of the Solvency II regime from the first day of application, 1 January 2016. It is of high importance to ensure a timely and proportionate application of Solvency II. 

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20 Jan 2014

EIOPA launches a web-section dedicated to the Insurance Stress Test 2014

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has established an area on its website dedicated to the stress test exercise 2014 for the insurance sector.

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17 Dec 2013

SAI Newsletter December 2013

Attached below is the December 2013 SAI Newsletter.  The following articles are included:

  • Christmas Drinks and Charity Table Quiz
  • Results of CPD Survey
  • Fellowship Ceremony & Maths Tutorial Intiative
  • Round-up of Society CPD meetings
  • Reform of Defined Benefit Legislation
  • Solvency II Committee
  • Interview with Conor O’Neill
  • Gala Ball
  • Student News
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10 Dec 2013

Society responds to Central Bank consultation on Reserving & Pricing Requirements

The Society of Actuaries in Ireland has today responded to the Central Bank of Ireland “Consultation on Requirements for Reserving and Pricing for Non-Life Insurers and Reinsurers” (Consultation Paper CP 73).   

The Society supports many aspects of the proposals, such as the improved governance of the reserving process for non-life direct insurance business.

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10 Dec 2013

Proposed standard of practice on expert witness work

The Society of Actuaries in Ireland has responded to a consultation by the UK Institute and Faculty of Actuaries on a proposed Actuarial Profession Standard (APS) on “The Actuary as an Expert”. 

The proposed APS is principles-based and provides a framework to be followed by members of the Institute and Faculty when acting as an expert witness or expert advisor in legal proceedings or proceedings of a legal nature (whether in the UK or elsewhere).

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29 Nov 2013

Results of EIOPA Survey on Crisis Prevention, Management and Resolution Preparedness of National Supervisors

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has published results of its Survey on Crisis Prevention, Management and Resolution Preparedness of national supervisory authorities (NSAs) with regard to the insurance sector.

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20 Nov 2013

Government responds to call for action

The Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton, has announced a package of legislative measures to address the situation where an underfunded DB pension scheme winds up or elects to restructure.  The legislation is due to be published and enacted in the coming weeks.

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