Second International Comparative Study of Mortality Tables for Pension Fund Retirees
A paper entitled a “Second International Comparative Study of Mortality Tables for Pension Fund Retirees” has been published by T.Z.Sithole (Kingston University), S.Haberman and R.J.Verrall (both Cass Business School, City University London).
Society issues press release on Gender Directive ruling
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has today ruled that Article 5(2) of the Gender Directive 2004/113/EC breaches European Union gender discrimination laws. Article 5(2) currently permits individual member states to differentiate between men and women when pricing insurance where statistical evidence shows gender is a determining risk factor. The ECJ has ruled that this derogation is invalid from 21st December 2012.
Society responds to consultation on Impact Metrics for Risk Based Supervision
The Society of Actuaries in Ireland has responded to a “Consultation on Impact Metrics for the Risk Based Supervision of Financial Firms by the Central Bank and on Impact Based Levies”.
The International Actuarial Association is pleased to announce the completion of the paper Note on the Use of Internal Models for Risk and Capital Management Purposes by the Solvency Subcommittee of the Insurance Regulation Committee.
UK Actuarial Profession commissions research on mortality/longevity/morbidity
The UK Actuarial Profession wishes to commission research in the area of modellingand understanding heterogeneity in mortality and morbidity risk which has an impact in areas of actuarial interest.
The paper attempts to align corporate governance requirements with recent international regulatory initiatives in the governance field and proposes minimum standards that credit institutions and insurance undertakings will be expected to meet in this area.