UK Actuarial Profession commissions research on mortality/longevity/morbidity
The UK Actuarial Profession wishes to commission research in the area of modelling and understanding heterogeneity in mortality and morbidity risk which has an impact in areas of actuarial interest. The Profession has issued a call for proposals in the following areas:
1. The following three themes:
I. Understanding the drivers for change in mortality and longevity.
II. How will successive cohorts differ and why?
III. How far can the approach to drilling down to individualised risk help in exploring the connection between populations and individuals?
2. Areas with immediate practical impact:
- The development of mortality/morbidity models – this could include new methods or modelling methodologies from other areas of statistics/mathematics/science, incorporating cause of death, the potential for using stochastic models
- Analysis of alternative datasets e.g. pensioners, different socio-economic groups
- Modelling and/or projecting different populations (e.g. different geographic regions, different socio-economic groups, migrant populations).
3. The public interest - research into mortality and/or morbidity that will help move forward the current debates around:
· Long term care/the retirement age/healthy ageing
· The social and financial consequences of changes in mortality/longevity and morbidity
· The impact of mortality on the economics of pensions: public spending and education.
Further details, including the application process, can be found on the UK Actuarial Profession's website.
The closing date for applications is 31st August 2010.